ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Challenged by strategic choices and decision-making?

This interactive, 2-day event can help you problem-solve and discuss solutions with other library leaders! The Library Leaders Digital Strategy Summit is an intimate gathering of library, archives, and museum directors and executive management and features presentations, panels, and conversations with industry thought-leaders.

Register today to clarify your visions and goals of digital strategy!

NewsLink Spotlight

Five Ways to Get Discounted and Free Ebooks
by Brandi Scardilli
The summer reading season is in full swing, and there are lots of options for downloading discounted ebooks. Whether you're looking for titles to load onto your tablet for a long flight or relaxing with your e-reader at the beach, here are five services that can help you find your next low-cost or free summer read.
Download Our August Editorial Sampler
Want to review some articles from our library publications? Download the free August content sampler (PDF) of recent articles and an exclusive subscription offer.

Weekly News Digests

Plum Analytics Adds Goodreads Metrics
Plum Analytics expanded its support for books to include metrics from Goodreads. PlumX, its impact dashboard, uses the Goodreads API to show ratings, reviews, and readers from the site.
The Getty Continues to Expand Access to Vocabularies
The Getty Research Institute released the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) as linked open data. Anyone may now access the vocabulary to download, share, or modify it for free under an Open Data Commons Attribution License.
ACS Adopts CCC's RightsLink for Open Access
The ACS (American Chemical Society) implemented Copyright Clearance Center's (CCC) RightsLink for Open Access platform to manage the article processing charges (APCs) for its open access (OA) content.


New MOOC Teaches Educators and Librarians About Copyright
by Abby Clobridge
For many of us in the information industry, copyright is the bane of our existence. We need more than a passing familiarity with key intellectual property and copyright issues, yet the environment is incredibly complex. And while copyright issues plague libraries and the teaching profession, most of us without formal legal training and degrees don't feel adequately prepared or comfortable responding to questions we face during the normal course of business. So the announcement that a team of three well-respected librarian-lawyers would be teaching a massive open online course (MOOC) through Coursera about copyright was greeted with a great deal of excitement from within the library community. Fortunately, the free course did not disappoint.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com