Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Making the Most of QR Codes
by Brandi Scardilli
You've surely seen those black-and-white graphical squares in your favorite magazine or even at the grocery store. They're QR (quick response) codes, 2D bar codes that hold a large amount of data in a small space. ... They may be best-known as mobile marketing tools thanks to the widespread use of smartphones—QR code reader apps scan the code and link users to websites, coupons, and other special features. However, information professionals can use them on anything from their business cards (to link to a curriculum vitae) or library shelves (to link to the library's catalog). Today QR codes have moved beyond advertising—here are some current uses for the technology.
HighWire Press Augments Articles With Altmetric Data
HighWire Press and Altmetric, a London-based startup focused on scholarly literature, signed an agreement to offer altmetrics integration for publications hosted on the HighWire Open Platform. Per the agreement, Altmetric data—news, social media, bookmarking, peer-review forums, and so on—can be displayed beside research articles.
Columbia School of Social Work Adopts OA Resolution
Columbia University Libraries/Information Services' Center for Digital Research and Scholarship (CDRS) announced that the university's School of Social Work (SSW) implemented an open access (OA) resolution, making scholarly works from the SSW open to the public.
NPG Opens Archives to French Researchers
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) partnered with ISTEX, a project from France's Ministry of Higher Education and Research, to offer scientific resources to more than 1.9 million French researchers, students, and scientists at 200-plus institutions.
Evaluating the Laura Bush 21st Century Grant Program
by Barbie E. Keiser
On Jan. 19, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) released an evaluation study of the Laura Bush 21st (LB21) Century grant program. Launched in 2003, LB21 was designed to address a range of challenges facing libraries throughout the United States.
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