ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

 Sponsored by: Inspec and EBSCO

The Future
February 18 | 10:00 am PT, 1:00 pm ET

During this presentation Dr. Chris Marker will discuss hot topics in science, engineering and technology, specifically: The future of particle physics, now that the Higgs has been found, the future of our energy resources, especially fracking and fusion, and the future of ubiquitous computing and wearable technology.

This is a FREE-Broadcast event. Register NOW!

NewsLink Spotlight

Five Enterprise Options for BYOD
by Brandi Scardilli
As the BYOD (bring your own device) trend grows in popularity, companies need to be more vigilant about protecting sensitive information. Since mobile devices don't always have the same security protection as corporate-owned desktop computers, the use of personal smartphones, laptops, and tablets expose businesses to security risks if the proper safeguards aren't taken.

Weekly News Digests

Dow Jones' CEO Resigns
News Corp announced that Lex Fenwick left the company after a year as CEO of Dow Jones (which is owned by News Corp). William Lewis, News Corp's chief creative officer, was named interim CEO of Dow Jones. In the wake of Fenwick's departure, the company intends to revise Dow Jones' institutional strategy.
EBSCO Acquires Plum Analytics
EBSCO Information Services acquired Plum Analytics, which is the first altmetrics provider to track all types of research output. Plum Analytics will become a wholly owned subsidiary of EBSCO and retain its own products and management, including the PlumX metrics-gathering tool.
Augmented Reality Book Debuts
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. published Digital Humanities, Volume 7 in the Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education series, as its first book with augmented reality (AR) technology. AR enhancements include interviews and video commentaries embedded in the book as a way to engage readers.


ReadersFirst Contributes to the Ebook-Lending Conversation
by Brandi Scardilli
ReadersFirst, a coalition of almost 300 library systems, has been working to improve public library patrons' access to ebooks for more than a year. The first fruit of its labors, "ReadersFirst Guide to Library E-Book Vendors," is now available for free online. This report provides libraries with best practices for ebook distribution and an overview of seven ebook vendors' strengths and weaknesses so they can make informed decisions about which vendor to choose.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com