ITI NewsLink
Monday, March 25, 2013

Computers in Libraries 2013  shares how leading edge libraries and information services are evolving, managing and excelling. Join us April 8-10 at the Hilton Washington to get lots of ideas and insights for jumpstarting your evolution strategies. 

NewsLink Spotlight

Etextbook Update
by Paula J. Hane
I've been regularly covering news of digital textbooks for several years. It is now a market in such flux, with so many developments, startup launches, reports of research, publishing company restructuring and mergers, and more, that it warrants revisiting frequently. This is a review of some recent noteworthy developments and a discussion of a report on student acceptance.

Weekly News Digests

SirsiDynix Announces Upcoming BLUEcloud Suite
SirsiDynix, a provider of library automation solutions, announced the upcoming BLUEcloud Suite library services platform. BLUEcloud Suite comprises a set of cloud-based administration, discovery, acquisition, and collection management applications that augment libraries' current Horizon and Symphony systems. The first BLUEcloud Suite applications will be released in summer 2013. Many of the applications will be included as part of the normal Horizon and Symphony maintenance; every application will be available for desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.
Alexander Street Partners With Equinox Software to Enhance Evergreen
Alexander Street Press sponsored Georgia-based Equinox Software, Inc. in the development of new enhancements to its Evergreen Open Source ILS library software. The sponsored development project will build onto the existing ILS in two phases. The first phase includes creating enhancements to date-sensitive bibliographic searches and MARC record output. The second phase involves developing new functionality for the overlay of existing records. The end result will be an updated software system that enables increased efficiency and accuracy of record-keeping for thousands of librarians worldwide.
Bibliogo Now Accepts Imports of RSS Feeds From Google Reader
Reprints Desk, Inc. announced the launch of new really simple syndication (RSS) feed import functionality inside Bibliogo, the free RSS feed reader and reference management system. The new functionality was created specifically to accommodate the needs of professionals that monitor peer-reviewed journal content who are seeking an alternative to Google Reader feed reader amid the March 13 announcement from Google Inc. that it will be powering down the service in July 2013.


A 'Total Victory' for the First Sale Doctrine from the Supreme Court
by George H. Pike
In a powerful and conclusive opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that copyright's First Sale doctrine applies to all legal copyrighted works regardless of where they are manufactured. The decision in the case of Kirtsaeng vs. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. clarified a longstanding question of whether First Sale applied to copyrighted works that had been manufactured outside of the U.S. With the court's decision, groups as diverse as libraries, museums, eBay resellers, and used bookstores can resell, lend, or display copyrighted works without interference from the copyright owner or publisher. Publishers and trade organizations expressed disappointment and argued that the decision will have repercussions over international trade in copyrighted works.

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Editor: Brandi Scardilli
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Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com