ITI NewsLink
Monday, March 04, 2013

Computers in Libraries 2013  shares how leading edge libraries and information services are evolving, managing and excelling. Join us April 8-10 at the Hilton Washington to get lots of ideas and insights for jumpstarting your evolution strategies. 

NewsLink Spotlight

Etextbook Update
by Paula J. Hane
I've been regularly covering news of digital textbooks for several years. It is now a market in such flux, with so many developments, startup launches, reports of research, publishing company restructuring and mergers, and more, that it warrants revisiting frequently. This is a review of some recent noteworthy developments and a discussion of a report on student acceptance.

Weekly News Digests

OCLC and ProQuest Collaborate to Enhance Library Discovery
ProQuest and OCLC are launching a far-reaching data exchange program that will enhance the library discovery experience for users of OCLC's WorldCat Local service, ProQuest's Summon service, the full-text of ProQuest Central, and ebrary ebooks. The program shares metadata across some of the world's most-widely used library resources, enriching the discoverability and comprehensiveness of all the services.
History of Science, Technology and Medicine Now Available from EBSCO Publishing
History of Science, Technology and Medicine, an international database for the history of science, technology, and medicine, is now available on EBSCO Publishing's (EBSCO) EBSCOhost platform. History of Science, Technology and Medicine reflects the influences of the fields of science, technology, and medicine on society and culture from prehistory to the present and offers outstanding value for interdisciplinary research.
ASIS&T Changes Its Name, Enhances Its Global Mission
With nearly 90% of all ballots cast voting in favor of a name change, the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) recently became the Association for Information Science and Technology. While the ASIS&T acronym stays the same, the name change recognizes the growing influence of ASIS&T in the international arena. The opportunities and challenges with respect to the science and technology of information are increasingly international in focus and scope. ASIS&T supports members around the globe in addressing these opportunities and challenges.


Big Data, Open Government, and Sunlight
by Barbie E. Keiser
Open States is the latest in a collection of Big Data-open government analysis tools from Sunlight Foundation. It has taken Sunlight Labs 4 years to scrape legislative data from 50 state websites (plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico), collect, sift, standardize, and make it all available in a single, comprehensive database that can be queried online by anyone via Open States API.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com