ITI NewsLink
Monday, February 25, 2013

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NewsLink Spotlight

A Cyber War Is Brewing
by Paula J. Hane
At first, it just seemed to be a trickle of bad news. This company or another was the object of a cyberattack. Sometimes it was the hackers group with the ominous-sounding name, Anonymous, that was blamed. Then, Anonymous reportedly defaced the entire MIT website in revenge following the recent suicide of Aaron Swartz. It also hacked the Department of Justice Sentencing Commission website and threatened to launch "multiple warheads." This prompted me to do some digging. I found that hacking incidents seem to be much more pervasive—and serious—than I'd thought. The reports of cybersecurity breaches have grown more numerous in the last few years, and there have been a flood of security warnings recently.

Weekly News Digests

InfoDesk Introduces Newsletter Archive iWidget
InfoDesk developed an innovative Newsletter Archive iWidget, a content integration tool specifically designed to help organizations archive, store, and search their internal newsletters and briefings more easily. The Newsletter Archive iWidget automates internal newsletter archiving and management without taxing company IT resources.
EdX Expands Internationally
EdX, the not-for-profit online learning enterprise founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), announced the international expansion of its X University Consortium with the addition of six new global higher education institutions. The Australian National University (ANU), Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, McGill University and the University of Toronto in Canada, and Rice University in the U.S. are joining the consortium and will use the edX platform to deliver the next generation of online and blended courses. This international expansion enables edX to better achieve its mission of providing world-class courses to everyone, everywhere, and is the natural next step to continue serving the large international student body already using edX on a daily basis.
NoveList Select's ILS Partnerships Now Include Evergreen
NoveList, a division of EBSCO Publishing is announcing a new ILS integration with NoveList Select, its catalog enrichment resource. NoveList Select is now integrated into the Evergreen ILS from Equinox Software, Inc. This is designed to enable more libraries to make their library catalog a robust tool full of rich information for readers.


U.S. Takes Huge Step Forward in Opening Access to Publicly Funded Research
by Abby Clobridge
During a flurry of announcements over the past 2 weeks, the world has watched as two major developments were launched from the U.S. federal government that will open access to articles produced as a result of grant funding from key U.S. agencies. On Feb. 14, 2013, exactly 11 years after the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) was first signed, representatives from Congress introduced the "Fair Access to Science and Technology Research" (FASTR) Act, proposed legislation which, if passed, would require public access to publicly funded research from major funding agencies. FASTR was introduced as identical bills in both houses of Congress. While the introduced legislation for FASTR would present a big step forward for open access (OA) if passed, it is still a long way from becoming a signed bill. Then on Friday, Feb. 22, the White House issued its own directive pushing for OA—a milestone in its own right.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com