ITI NewsLink
Monday, February 04, 2013

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NewsLink Spotlight

A Cyber War Is Brewing
by Paula J. Hane
At first, it just seemed to be a trickle of bad news. This company or another was the object of a cyberattack. Sometimes it was the hackers group with the ominous-sounding name, Anonymous, that was blamed. Then, Anonymous reportedly defaced the entire MIT website in revenge following the recent suicide of Aaron Swartz. It also hacked the Department of Justice Sentencing Commission website and threatened to launch "multiple warheads." This prompted me to do some digging. I found that hacking incidents seem to be much more pervasive—and serious—than I'd thought. The reports of cybersecurity breaches have grown more numerous in the last few years, and there have been a flood of security warnings recently.

Weekly News Digests

Expanded Access to U.S. Federal Court Opinions
A pilot project giving the public free, text-searchable, online access to court opinions now is available to all federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts. The Judicial Conference, the policymaking body of the federal court system, approved national implementation of the project with the Government Printing Office, Federal Digital System (FDsys), which provides free access to publications from all three branches of federal government via the internet.
EBSCO Releases eBook Public Library Collection
EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) released its latest ebook subscription collection focused on the needs of public library patrons. eBook Public Library Collection includes more than 25,000 general reference ebook titles in a variety of subjects and topics including social sciences, language and literature, and science and technology.
Summon Service Slated to Index SciELO Ebook Titles
Serials Solutions, a ProQuest business, is working with Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) to index its ebook collection in the Summon discovery service. Recognizing that much scholarly work in the humanities and social sciences is published in book form rather than in periodicals, SciELO introduced this collection as a parallel to its collection of scientific academic journals. The collection is a mix of open access and commercial ebooks from major academic publishers in Brazil and Latin America.


ProQuest Adds Ebook Library (EBL) to Its Collection
by Barbara Quint
ProQuest signed a definitive agreement to acquire Ebook Library (EBL) from Australia-based Ebooks Corp. Ltd. After the transfer is completed over the next few weeks, Ebook Library will begin its merger with ebrary, acquired by ProQuest in 2011. Kari Paulson, president of EBL, will take over the merged ebook services and lead the project to build a "best-of-breed" ebook platform for libraries drawing on the best features of both services. Ebooks Corp., founded in 1997, retains its ebooks.com retail sales service to individual customers and its Ebook Services for publishers. The overall effect of the acquisition and merger should be to expand the number of publishers and publications available from ProQuest and to increase ProQuest's market penetration internationally, particularly in Europe and Australia.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com