ITI NewsLink
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Computers in Libraries 2013  shares how leading edge libraries and information services are evolving, managing and excelling. Join us April 8-10 at the Hilton Washington to get lots of ideas and insights for jumpstarting your evolution strategies. 

Applause for Information Advisor editor Robert Berkman ... READ MORE!

NewsLink Spotlight

Review of 2012 and Trends Watch 2013
by Paula J. Hane
2012 was quite an intense and turbulent year—wilder weather, the London Olympics (and a gymnastics gold for Gabby Douglas), the contentious U.S. Presidential election, Facebook's disastrous IPO, the iPhone 5, the iPad Mini, patent lawsuits, and, as we neared the end of 2012, the "Fiscal Cliff." And drat, that was too close for comfort. Over the past year, the most-read news article on the infotoday.com site was my NewsLink Spotlight article posted Dec. 3, 2012, "The Fight for a Free and Open Internet." It clearly touched a nerve.

Weekly News Digests

SirsiDynix Announces Integration Partnerships
SirsiDynix recently announced a number of partnerships to advance its initiative to make electronic resources easily accessible to library patrons. The integration partnerships are with 3M, Recorded Books, and OverDrive. Earlier in the month, it announced a similar integration with Baker & Taylor to integrate the Axis 360 platform with the SirsiDynix eResource Central platform.
Thomson Reuters Adds CQ Roll Call Washington Briefings to WestlawNext
Thomson Reuters and CQ Roll Call will join forces to provide WestlawNext customers exclusive coverage of securities, banking, and energy policy developments in the federal regulatory agencies and Congress. The product, Washington Briefings, will cover three legal practice areas—securities, banking, and energy. CQ Roll Call Washington Securities Briefing, Washington Banking Briefing, and Washington Energy Briefing will appear in Practitioner Insights—new practice area-specific pages on WestlawNext—later in the first quarter.
LexisNexis Introduces Enhanced Lexis Advance
LexisNexis Legal & Professional announced the continued expansion of its comprehensive portfolio of interconnected research and productivity solutions, providing lawyers with essential information, workflow, and analytical tools for all aspects of their legal work. Combining information with cutting-edge technology, visualization tools, and sophisticated analysis and productivity capabilities, the end-to-end LexisNexis legal solutions portfolio supports legal professionals at every step of their work process, fueling productivity, confidence, and better outcomes.


ProQuest Adds Ebook Library (EBL) to Its Collection
by Barbara Quint
ProQuest signed a definitive agreement to acquire Ebook Library (EBL) from Australia-based Ebooks Corp. Ltd. After the transfer is completed over the next few weeks, Ebook Library will begin its merger with ebrary, acquired by ProQuest in 2011. Kari Paulson, president of EBL, will take over the merged ebook services and lead the project to build a "best-of-breed" ebook platform for libraries drawing on the best features of both services. Ebooks Corp., founded in 1997, retains its ebooks.com retail sales service to individual customers and its Ebook Services for publishers. The overall effect of the acquisition and merger should be to expand the number of publishers and publications available from ProQuest and to increase ProQuest's market penetration internationally, particularly in Europe and Australia.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com