ITI NewsLink
Thursday, January 03, 2013

Computers in Libraries 2013 will share how leading edge libraries and information services are evolving, managing, and excelling. Join us April 8-10, 2013 at the Hilton Washington in Washington, D.C. for ideas and insights for jumpstarting your evolution strategies!

Big changes in store for ONLINE and Searcher magazines in 2013 ... READ MORE!

NewsLink Spotlight

Review of 2012 and Trends Watch 2013
by Paula J. Hane
2012 was quite an intense and turbulent year—wilder weather, the London Olympics (and a gymnastics gold for Gabby Douglas), the contentious U.S. Presidential election, Facebook's disastrous IPO, the iPhone 5, the iPad Mini, patent lawsuits, and, as we neared the end of 2012, the "Fiscal Cliff." And drat, that was too close for comfort. Over the past year, the most-read news article on the infotoday.com site was my NewsLink Spotlight article posted Dec. 3, 2012, "The Fight for a Free and Open Internet." It clearly touched a nerve.

Weekly News Digests

OverDrive Announces Record Ebook Traffic and Next Gen Services
Public libraries using OverDrive's Next Generation digital lending platform served a record number of ebook, audiobook, music, and video titles to patrons on Christmas Day. The most dramatic growth occurred among users of iPad, Kindle Fire, and Android devices. With One-Step Checkout and powerful, filtered search, the Next Generation library websites are optimized for both PC and mobile users, which helped pilot libraries circulate record single-day numbers of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and video.
HighWire Incorporates Article-Level Metrics With ImpactStory
HighWire Press announced that it entered into a strategic collaboration with ImpactStory, a researcher-led, nonprofit organization. ImpactStory aggregates impact data—the number of times an article is accessed and mentioned in editorials, news, tweets and blogs, as well as bookmarked, favorited, and recommended, in addition to those cited by another research paper, from sources such as CrossRef, Mendeley, and PubMed.
Yippy to Purchase HighBeam Research From Gale Group
Yippy, Inc. announced that the company executed an asset purchase agreement with The Gale Group, Inc., part of Cengage Learning, to purchase all of the assets related to the HighBeam Research and HighBeam Business products, subject to a closing on a future date.


Chemistry Files on Dialog
by Robert E. Buntrock
I've been a Dialog subscriber for decades, both before and after going solo. However, I haven't used my Dialog password in some time. Therefore, I've been out of the loop on a lot of the happenings in the greater world of information and was unaware of the demise of chemistry files from Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) on Dialog and on Questel. NewsBreaks Editor Paula Hane had received a heads-up from a contact in Europe and asked me for more details.

Unisphere Research ad

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com