ITI NewsLink
Thursday, October 04, 2012

APA Handbook of Behavior Analysis

This 2-volume handbook reviews the essential areas of modern laboratory research in behavior analysis.  Developed for students, researchers, and clinicians concerned with best practice, this handbook provides comprehensive coverage of the logic, clinical utility, and methods of single-case research designs, and walks readers through the design, data collection, and data analysis phases.  

For more information or to arrange a free 30-day trial on APA PsycNET, contact your APA representative, visit here , call 1-877-236-2941, or email quotes@apa.org.

NewsLink Spotlight

Pew Research Center Provides Research and Data on Campaign 2012
by Paula J. Hane
As Barack Obama and Mitt Romney prepared for their first debate on Oct. 3, 2012, the issues at the top of the voters' agenda have changed little since 2008, according to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. Conducted Sept. 12-16 among 3,019 adults, including 2,424 registered voters, the results show that 87% of registered voters say that the economy will be very important to their vote, while 83% say jobs will be very important to their vote.

Weekly News Digests

Oxford English Dictionary Appeals to the Public for Help
The Oxford English Dictionary announced the launch of OED Appeals, a major online initiative set to involve the public in tracing the history of English words. Using a dedicated community space on the OED website, editors are soliciting help in unearthing new information about the history and usage of English, including the earliest examples of particular words. The website will enable the public to post evidence in direct response to OED editors online, fostering a collective effort to record the English language and find the true roots of our vocabulary.
EBSCO Publishing Introduces Education Source
EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) released a new resource dedicated to the study of education. Education Source is a bibliographic and full-text database developed from a merger of high-quality databases from EBSCO Publishing and H.W. Wilson, and includes many unique sources that were never previously available.
California Digital Library and Partners Launch DataUp
The University of California's Digital Library (CDL) and its partners launched DataUp, a free data management tool. Researchers struggling to meet new data management requirements from funders, journals, and their own institutions now can use the DataUp Web application and a Microsoft Excel add-in to document and archive their tabular data.


On the QZ: Quartz Business News
by Marydee Ojala
A business-oriented, electronic news site debuted on Sept. 24, 2012. Called Quartz, it is owned by Atlantic Media Company, which also publishes The Atlantic, National Journal, and Government Executive, and on the web, Atlantic Wire, Atlantic Cities, and Buzzfeed. From its inception, Quartz was designed for tablets and mobile phones, although it also works as a website. Quartz is built using WordPress for its platform and is replete with eye-catching graphics. It is free to the user, relying on its four sponsors (Boeing, Cadillac, Chevron, and Credit Suisse) to cover at least some of its costs.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com