ITI NewsLink
Monday, August 27, 2012


Join the ranks of WebSearch University alumni!

Effective research on the web is becoming increasingly important as a critical job skill in many work environments. Sure, anyone can enter a few words into a search box, but what sets WebSearch University alumni apart is their ability to use multiple search engines, advanced search techniques, and specialized sources to quickly hone in on relevant, reliable answers. Will you be among the power-searching pros?

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NewsLink Spotlight

Expand Your Search Engine Options
by Paula J. Hane
One of the most popular bylined pieces in our NewsBreaks/NewsLink Spotlight collection has been my April 1, 2010 article, "Alternative Search Engines Offer Rich Options." Since things have changed considerably in the last 2-plus years, I decided it was time to look at what some of the most useful options now are for search engines. While Google continues its domination of the search market, some enterprising folks continue to seek out alternatives—for additional features, interface preferences, spam avoidance, or privacy and security reasons.

Weekly News Digests

New Sports Medicine and Exercise Videos From Alexander Street Press
Alexander Street Press launched Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video, which features hundreds of hours of high-quality clinician education materials on the study of human movement. Developed through an exclusive partnership with Healthy Learning—a leading producer of sports medicine videos—the collection's content covers performance, conditioning, rehabilitation, and physical education across a broad range of sports and activities. At completion, the collection will contain nearly 750 hours of content.
LexisNexis eBooks Available on Amazon Kindle Store
LexisNexis Legal & Professional announced that a large selection of its legal ebooks are now available in the Amazon Kindle Store. Additionally, LexisNexis eBooks on Kindle or through Kindle reading apps are also accessible through the recently launched LexisNexis Digital Library solution.
Census Bureau Mobile App Now Available for iPhone and iPad
"America's Economy," the U.S. Census Bureau's first mobile application, is now available for iPhone and iPad. The America's Economy mobile app provides updated statistics on the U.S. economy, including monthly economic indicators and economic trends. The "America's Economy" app became available to Android users on the Google Play store on Aug. 9, 2012.


Georgia State University Declared 'Prevailing Party' in Copyright Battle
by George H. Pike
A federal court in Georgia declared Georgia State University (GSU) to be the "prevailing party" in its ongoing copyright infringement battle with Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, and SAGE Publications ("Publishers"). In an Aug. 10, 2012 court order that closes out the trial phase of the lawsuit, the court denied the Publishers' request that GSU maintain detailed records of its use of copyrighted works, clarified several points on the fair use of works by universities, and ordered that the Publishers pay GSU's attorneys fees.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com