The Challenging Landscape of Ebooks in Libraries
by Paula J. Hane
The overall growth in digital content of all kinds, and in particular, the growing importance and acceptance of ebooks, has clearly presented great opportunities for libraries, as well as plenty of challenges. Many libraries are coping with decreasing budgets while at the same time experiencing increased demand for content and services. Challenges include limited availability of ebooks from publishers, increasing demands for tech support with ebook readers and mobile devices, cumbersome borrowing processes, and minimal discoverability of ebook content. Two recent reports shed some light on the current situation, providing interesting statistics and perspectives.
Kno Delivers New Platform for Elsevier’s Pageburst Digital Books
Elsevier, a provider of scientific, technical, and medical information products and services, announced that Kno, Inc. will provide its newest platform option for one of Elsevier's lines of digital books. Pageburst, which encompasses Elsevier's nursing and health professions books in a digital format, will now offer even more flexibility and user-friendly learning features through the addition of the new Kno platform.
Persée Content Now Searchable via EBSCO Discovery Service
Persée content is now available via EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) from EBSCO Publishing. Due to a recent agreement with Persée, EDS now indexes scientific French journals in the field of humanities. EDS offers metadata for all Persée content and searchable full-text for freely available content. This addition confirms EBSCO's commitment to continually expand international content in EDS.
New Portal for Earth Science Data Exploration
As research in the earth and environmental sciences evolves to become more data-intensive, the ability to discover, integrate, and analyze massive amounts of heterogeneous scientific information has become critical to enabling researchers to address complex questions about the environment and our role within it. DataONE, the Data Observation Network for Earth, released technology capable of providing researchers access to globally distributed, networked data from a single point of discovery.
Springer for Research & Development Caters to Corporate Markets
by Barbara Brynko
When researchers speak, Springer Science+Business Media listens. That's the core philosophy behind Springer's latest platform designed to serve the needs of corporate researchers. Springer for Research & Development joins the company's expanding portfolio of content, tools, and products for the STM market. All of the articles for Springer for Research & Development are taken from SpringerLink, Springer's online platform for the academic market--but the materials are optimized for corporate customers' needs in an all-new platform.
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