Worldreader Aims for ‘Books for All’
by Paula J. Hane
Worldreader is a U.S. and European nonprofit whose mission is to make digital books available to children in the developing world, so millions of people can improve their lives. Reports indicate that 50% of schools in sub-Saharan Africa have few or no books (SACMEQ II), slowing learning and societal advancement. As of May 2012, Worldreader had put more than 100,000 ebooks—and the life-changing, power-creating ideas contained within them—into the hands of 1,000 children in sub-Saharan Africa.
New EBSCO Discovery Service API Released
EBSCO Publishing released an API for EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). EBSCO Discovery Service API (EDS API) was created for libraries that want to use their own portals or website applications for their discovery service user interface while also providing researchers with the robust metadata, superior content, and enhanced search features from EDS.
Impelsys Unveils iPublishCentral 4.0
Impelsys, a global provider of electronic content delivery solutions, unveiled the latest version of its digital publishing software platform at BookExpo America (BEA) 2012. iPublishCentral is a platform that allows publishers to warehouse, deliver, distribute, market, and sell their ebooks without making significant capital or engineering resource investments on their own. The beta version of iPublishCentral 4.0 includes important enhancements for both publishers, who are seeking to monetize their digital assets by selling ebooks to institutions, and for end users, who are downloading those ebooks onto their preferred devices.
LexisNexis Acquires Sanction Solutions
LexisNexis Legal & Professional announced that it acquired Sanction Solutions. Sanction litigation presentation software provides litigators a single resource to quickly assemble documents, exhibits, transcripts, questions, visuals, and video that will be used to manage and present evidence throughout litigation, categorize them, and then create clear, polished and compelling presentation materials necessary for building a case.
The ‘New Bing’: Now Searching With Facebook
by Greg R. Notess
Despite a disappointing IPO, Facebook is still the dominant social network both in terms of its user base and the length of time that its users spend on the site. Facebook has had a long relationship with Microsoft's Bing, but with the launch of the "New Bing" last month, Facebook can now become deeply integrated into the Bing search experience. Bing announced New Bing on May 10, 2012, and began slowly making it available to select Bing searchers. As of June 4, the New Bing is available to all U.S. searchers.
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