Update on Political Fact-Check Websites
by Paula J. Hane
As I write this, the U.S. is in the midst of a hotly contested GOP presidential primary. The countdown to "Super Tuesday" is 6 days, and the countdown to the election is 251 days. Some days, I think I've just had enough election news. It's exhausting for a voting individual to examine all the claims and statements made by the candidates. How do we keep up with who said what and check to see if it contradicts their earlier statements or twists the facts/statistics? Hardly a day goes by that I don't see an article that questions or outright refutes something said in a speech or debate. But which sites can we believe?
MapLight’s New Political Transparency Tool—Topic Pages
MapLight, a nonpartisan research organization that reveals money's influence on politics, announced the launch of its newest transparency tool, Topic Pages, during Sunshine Week, March 11-17. The new tool allows journalists and citizens to search for and track bills by issue area in the U.S. Congress and in the California and Wisconsin State Legislatures.
CourseSmart Launches Enhanced Reading Platform
CourseSmart, a provider of etextbooks and digital course materials, announced the launch of the New CourseSmart eTextbook Reader, an enhanced reading platform providing a greater overall user experience, new tools and viewing options. The first of many enhancements planned for 2012, the New CourseSmart Reader is evidence of CourseSmart's commitment to continued innovation, ensuring that students and faculty have access to a superior digital reading experience on any device.
Gale Aims to Transform the Online Library Experience With Gateways
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, reported that it will roll out Gale Gateways, an innovative program for public libraries. Designed to represent the unique way in which a community interacts with its public library, Gale Gateways bring together thematic products and services to provide an organized approach to help patrons find and use information. Gale Gateways will help libraries demonstrate their value and worth to their community and is said to be unlike anything else on the market.
NoveList Launches LibraryAware to Simplify the Creation of Marketing Materials
by Kathy Dempsey
At the busy Public Library Association (PLA) Conference in Philadelphia last week, EBSCO Publishing and its NoveList group introduced a completely new sort of product called LibraryAware. It's a software tool full of customizable templates that guide librarians through the process of creating professional-grade press releases, fliers, bookmarks, emails, letters, and more for various audiences and events. According to NoveList, LibraryAware "will revolutionize the way libraries promote their programs and services."
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