Update on Political Fact-Check Websites
by Paula J. Hane
As I write this, the U.S. is in the midst of a hotly contested GOP presidential primary. The countdown to "Super Tuesday" is 6 days, and the countdown to the election is 251 days. Some days, I think I've just had enough election news. It's exhausting for a voting individual to examine all the claims and statements made by the candidates. How do we keep up with who said what and check to see if it contradicts their earlier statements or twists the facts/statistics? Hardly a day goes by that I don't see an article that questions or outright refutes something said in a speech or debate. But which sites can we believe?
MIT OpenCourseWare and Flat World Knowledge Team Up
MIT OpenCourseWare and textbook publisher Flat World Knowledge have teamed up to provide free, high-quality textbooks to learners accessing OCW's OCW Scholar courses. This is among the first collaborations between an OpenCourseWare publisher and an open textbook publisher.
Wiley-Blackwell Adds 44 Titles to Journal Publishing Program in 2012
In 2012, Wiley-Blackwell, the Scientific, Technical, Medical, and Scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., will begin publishing 44 titles new to its journal program, including 16 new launches and 40 journals published in collaboration with societies or other organizations. Of the 44 titles, 28 are moving to Wiley-Blackwell from other publishers or from self-publication.
Relais International Partners With OCLC to Share Data and Services
Relais International, which provides systems to support interlibrary loan and document delivery services, signed an agreement with OCLC that will allow mutual subscribers access to WorldCat data and OCLC services through the OCLC WorldShare Platform.
Viewshare: Up Close and Personal With Your Digital Treasures
by Victoria McCargar
In November 2011, the Library of Congress blogged about a new online service called Viewshare, a web domain where cultural heritage institutions can show off their digital treasures free of charge. It garnered some modest attention in the blogosphere. Now the Library and the developer of the Viewshare software, Zepheira Inc. (http://zepheira.com), have announced the formal launch and have added some new features, so perhaps this is the moment to take a look at what this tool actually does.
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