ITI NewsLink
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Computers in Libraries 2012

Computers in Libraries is the most comprehensive North American conference and exhibition concentrating on all aspects of library technology. The 2012 program is filled with ideas, leading-edge practices, tips, and techniques for creating innovative libraries. The emphasis is on thinking outside of the box, learning from other industries, finding strategic partners, and creating value for our user communities with new tools, techniques and skills that build innovative and priority services. 

Register today and save $100! 

NewsLink Spotlight

ProQuest Works to Integrate Assets and Services
by Paula J. Hane
Last summer, ProQuest welcomed Kurt Sanford as its new CEO. He has now had 6 months leading the company and has already made his mark with a reorganization of leadership, new customer focus, and product migrations and integrations. I had a chance to visit with him during ALA Midwinter in Dallas and get an update on the corporate strategy he is implementing and his thoughts on the industry.

Weekly News Digests

New F1000 App Helps Researchers Explore Content in Elsevier’s SciVerse
Faculty of 1000 (F1000), an online service that selects and evaluates articles based on the opinions of global leaders in biology and medicine, announced the launch of a new application that helps researchers explore the scientific content in biology and medicine included in Elsevier's SciVerse platform. Once a SciVerse user adds the app, the articles that have been highlighted by the F1000 faculty will display a badge that, when clicked, brings the user to the F1000 evaluation.
Social Media Data Available for ebrary Student E-book Survey
ebrary, a ProQuest business, announced that the social media data of its 2011 Global Student E-book Survey is now publicly available at http://site.ebrary.com/lib/surveys along with the full report. More than 6,500 students worldwide participated in the survey, which was similar to a 2008 survey created by librarians. As part of the latest survey, ebrary added questions pertaining to social media, which has grown and changed significantly over the past 3 years.
EBSCO Publishing and Isabel Healthcare Integrate Decision Support Tools
Institutions using the clinical decision-support resources Isabel and DynaMed will benefit from tighter integration of the two tools. A new agreement between Isabel Healthcare and EBSCO Publishing allows direct linking between the Isabel diagnosis tool and the evidence-based point-of-care tool DynaMed, letting mutual customers link from one resource to the other. The agreement brings the evidence-based content from DynaMed into the diagnostic process and allows users easier access regardless of whether a search begins in Isabel or DynaMed.


Netvibes Acquired by Dassault Systèmes
by Barbie E. Keiser
On Feb. 9, 2012, Dassault Systèmes, a French engineering firm best known for 3D and computer-aided design (CAD) software, fully acquired Netvibes for an estimated $26 million. (Dassault Systèmes has had a stake in Netvibes since mid-2010.) Founded by Tariq Krim in 2005, Netvibes began as a personal start or homepage, but instead of getting current news from the feeds, as was the case with My Yahoo! and iGoogle, users could define the topics for which news would be retrieved and presented in a single view (dashboard). Tabs at the top allowed people to track several topics with feeds selected to deliver targeted news for each.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com