Monday, February 13, 2012
ProQuest Works to Integrate Assets and Services
by Paula J. Hane
Last summer, ProQuest welcomed Kurt Sanford as its new CEO. He has now had 6 months leading the company and has already made his mark with a reorganization of leadership, new customer focus, and product migrations and integrations. I had a chance to visit with him during ALA Midwinter in Dallas and get an update on the corporate strategy he is implementing and his thoughts on the industry.
Factiva Adds More Global Sources, Blogs, and Images
Factiva expanded its aggregated content to offer more global sources, blogs, and images. In the last year, Factiva's content has increased by more than 20%, totaling more than 35,000 sources and furthering its position as one of the largest global digital business aggregators and archives. The new sources comprise 1,500 licensed publications, 1,600 websites, nearly 8,000 blogs, and more than 1.2 million images, covering 26 languages.
ALA Reaches Out to Ebook Publishers; Penguin Terminates OverDrive Contract
American Library Association (ALA) president Molly Raphael led an ALA delegation to New York recently to meet separately with representatives from publishers Penguin, Macmillan, Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Perseus. The representatives at these meetings included CEOs, division presidents, and other executives.
Elsevier Launches TargetInsights for Early Drug Discovery
Elsevier announced the launch of TargetInsights. This online decision support tool enables scientists to search, monitor, and stay up-to-date with the latest biological insights reported in the scientific literature. It provides extensive information coverage and unique data contextualization, supporting users to identify, prioritize, and validate biological targets faster and with less risk.
The Cost of Knowledge Versus Elsevier: 5,600 Signatures and Growing
by Robin Peek
Timothy Gowers, a Cambridge mathematician and winner of the coveted Fields medal in mathematics, began The Cost of Knowledge (COK) website petition to publicize his own personal boycott of Elsevier, thus encouraging others to do the same. According to the COK website, "the success … has far exceeded his initial expectations." Gowers, who inspired the petition in a Jan. 21, 2012 blog post with the title "Elsevier: my part in its downfall," says he believes Elsevier's practices are doomed—"the internet will see to that."

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