ITI NewsLink
Monday, November 14, 2011

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NewsLink Spotlight

EPUB 3 Becomes Final IDPF Specification—Poised to Unleash an Econtent Revolution
by Paula J. Hane
If you think that developments in ebooks and the e-reading experience have been hitting at a fast pace, get ready for it to get really exciting. A new specification has been approved that should accelerate the progress toward richer experiences. On Oct. 11, 2011, at Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany, the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) announced the completion of a major revision to EPUB, which has become the global standard interchange and delivery format for ebooks and other digital publications. The IDPF membership unanimously voted to elevate EPUB 3 to a final IDPF Recommended Specification, which is publicly available at http://idpf.org/epub/30.

Weekly News Digests

Gale Introduces MyGovernment
Gale, part of Cengage Learning, announced MyGovernment, an online subscription-based resource that provides essential information on U.S. elected officials, candidates, and their key issues, and information on how our government functions. It is produced by KnowWho, Inc. and distributed by Gale to the library market.
IFLA Launches New Webpages on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions
IFLA has created a new set of webpages dedicated to one of the most important policy issues that IFLA is currently dealing with—the issue of copyright limitations and exceptions for libraries. Copyright exceptions enable libraries to preserve and make available works. In many countries they have been established in the print era and not been updated to meet the needs of the digital age. An updated system is needed to enable libraries to provide users with both historical and new services in pace with ongoing technological changes.
Springer to Acquire Pharma Marketing and Publishing Services From Wolters Kluwer
Springer Science+Business Media reached an agreement with Wolters Kluwer to acquire the Pharma Marketing and Publishing Services division (MPS) for its Springer Healthcare unit. MPS is one of the five largest global providers of strategic marketing, publishing and business intelligence products and services to the pharmaceutical industry, as well as to medical libraries and academic and research institutions. The announcement follows an earlier announcement by Wolters Kluwer in July that it planned to divest its pharma-related assets. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals.


New Pharmaceutical Information Tool Coming From Thomson Reuters—Cortellis
by Tara Breton
In fall 2011, Thomson Reuters's Life Science people began advertising a new product called Thomson Reuters Cortellis for Competitive Intelligence, based on next-generation technology. The press releases talk about "intuitive methods for searching" and using "trusted life science information" along with "visualization tools and analytics" to help the end user "retrieve data to reflect … changing information needs." Sounds really promising, but what does that all mean?

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com