Monday, September 26, 2011
Upstart Legal Services Gain Traction
by Paula J. Hane
What a lot of activity we've seen lately in online legal services—acquisitions, investments, new traction in the market, and even newly launched services. The traditional methods of practicing law have been challenged of late, with some of the work formerly done by lawyers now able to be performed by technology. And, the rise of free sources of legal information, such as Fastcase and Justia.com, continue to rock the market. Yes, we live in interesting and disruptive times.
EBSCO Publishing Releases New Ebook Subject Sets
EBSCO Publishing announced the release of 64 new ebook subject sets bringing the total number of subject sets to nearly 200. These additional subject sets reflect the rapid growth of EBSCO's ebook collection offered to libraries in convenient collections grouped by subject matter.
Summon Expands Content From Oxford University Press
Serials Solutions, a business unit of ProQuest LLC, announced that the Summon service has greatly increased the amount of content from Oxford University Press (OUP). It is now indexing both the metadata and full text of Grove Art Online (available via Oxford Art Online), Grove Music Online (available via Oxford Music Online), American Dictionary of National Biography Online, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online, and Oxford Reference Online.
Status Report On Obama Administration’s Commitment to Open Government
On Sept. 16, the White House released "The Obama Administration's Commitment to Open Government: A Status Report" (PDF). This status report highlights the breadth of the administration's commitment to open government, documents the substantial progress made on many of the administration's open government initiatives, and anticipates continued progress.
End User Survey of Federal Depository Libraries
by Barbie E. Keiser
An Aug. 25, 2011 NewsBreak focused on a report by Ithaka S+R, "Modeling a sustainable future for the United States: Federal Depository Library Program's network of libraries in the 21st century." That same week, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) released another report on the depository libraries, "FDLP users speak: The value and performance of libraries participating in the Federal Depository Library Program," presenting the results of a survey conducted by Outsell, Inc. from Oct.10, 2010 through March 4, 2011. (The report can be downloaded from the FDLP website.)

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