Inmagic’s New Idea Management System for Collaborative Innovation
by Paula J. Hane
Idea management systems are one way to approach innovation and product development. They provide a structured and disciplined approach for managing idea generation, capture, collaboration, assessment, implementation, and outcome monitoring. In 2010, Gartner's Emerging Tech Hype Cycle put the technology as being 2-5 years from mainstream adoption. I hadn't really paid much attention to this category until the recent announcement by Inmagic of IdeaNet, its "next-generation innovation application," powered by Inmagic Presto.
Textbook Rental Firm Chegg to Add Etextbooks
Chegg announced it is significantly expanding its digital offering, adding more etextbooks and digital content to its emerging social education platform. In addition to textbook rentals, Chegg has rapidly enhanced its services, offering a fully integrated experience with digital services including homework help, course selection, and class notes (through its recently acquired company Notehall). Its goal is to offer millions of print books and etextbooks to students by the end of the year. Chegg has partnered with a number of publishers to offer etextbooks to its students, such as Cengage Learning, Elsevier, F.A. Davis, Macmillan, McFarland, McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press, Rowman & Littlefield, Taylor and Francis, and Wiley.
Moreover Technologies Releases Three Versions of Newsdesk Monitoring Service
Moreover Technologies rolled out three versions of its Newsdesk media monitoring and news sharing solution to serve all types and sizes of business, starting at just $1995 per year. They are Newsdesk Alert, a streamlined Newsdesk offering focused on breaking news feeds and alerts, Newsdesk Corporate featuring advanced media monitoring and customized newsletters, and Newsdesk Enterprise for firms requiring companywide deployment of media analytics with global coverage and news sharing capabilities.
J. J. Keller Provides Content to Gale
J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., a provider of regulatory compliance information for the human resources, workplace safety, and transportation industries, announced that it has licensed content for use in databases, products, and services from Gale, part of Cengage Learning. The licensed content includes J. J. Keller's ez Explanations, newsletters, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), video clips, blog articles, and court case summaries. The J. J. Keller content will be accessible in the Gale Business Insights family of products, the Gale InfoTrac cross-searchable journals databases, and other product lines. Gale is best known for its accurate and authoritative reference content, as well as for its intelligent organization of full-text magazine and newspaper articles.
Books & Media Move to the Clouds; Apple, Amazon, and Walmart Fight for Market Share
by Nancy K. Herther
In the past 2 weeks, we have seen major announcements from Walmart and Amazon targeted at opening up the market for ebooks and mobile apps from the control of mobile device manufacturers, especially Apple. These events and actions have the potential to change the current distribution systems dramatically for both apps and ebooks.

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