ITI NewsLink
Monday, August 01, 2011

WebSearch University

WebSearch University is back in Washington, D.C., and offers the perfect opportunity to learn from world-class power searchers. The curriculum will enhance your search creativity, provide essential information about changes in search engines, introduce new resources, and put it all in context for serious researchers—information professionals, librarians, freelancers, journalists, and information managers.

Learn how to turn your search into research at WebSearch University !

NewsLink Spotlight

Inmagic’s New Idea Management System for Collaborative Innovation
by Paula J. Hane
Idea management systems are one way to approach innovation and product development. They provide a structured and disciplined approach for managing idea generation, capture, collaboration, assessment, implementation, and outcome monitoring. In 2010, Gartner's Emerging Tech Hype Cycle put the technology as being 2-5 years from mainstream adoption. I hadn't really paid much attention to this category until the recent announcement by Inmagic of IdeaNet, its "next-generation innovation application," powered by Inmagic Presto.

Weekly News Digests

Submit Your Ideas on IMLS's Strategic Plan
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) wants your ideas on how it can carry out its statutory responsibility "to support museum, library, and information services to meet the information, education, research, economic, cultural, and civic needs of the people of the United States." It is currently working on a 5-year strategic plan.
Elsevier Upgrades illumin8 Semantic Search Tool
Elsevier announced the expansion of illumin8, its semantic search tool first launched in 2008. illumin8, which indexes scientific, patent, news, and web content from Elsevier and other trusted sources, now offers new features, including an improved ability to explore technology trends and white space opportunities, evaluate potential new technologies and product applications, and compare organizations, products, people, and approaches.
Pubget Launches Major Redesign
Pubget announced the launch of the latest version of Pubget.com, the search engine for life science PDFs. Pubget.com beta, launched in 2008 at Harvard University, MIT, and Massachusetts General Hospital, was created to eliminate the roadblocks faced by 10 million researchers in their daily search for life science literature.


The End of an Era for Google Labs—Innovation Now Via Acquisition and Pontification
by Stephen E. Arnold
The media, Wall Street, and assorted bloggers were adrenalized by Larry Page's announcement that Google Labs was going dark. That's right. Google Labs. The quasar of innovation at the Google: Shut down, lights off, out of business, and repurposed ... What's gone? Obviously the Google Labs site where I could "play around with prototypes of some of Google's wild and crazy ideas and offer feedback directly to the engineers who developed them." I do not think there will be much of a change in Google's innovation pace. In fact, it may accelerate in social media.

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Editor: Brandi Scardilli
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