Ebook Developments Were HOT at ALA
by Paula J. Hane
Looking over the program of presentations and panels and at the vendors exhibiting at the recent American Library Association Annual (ALA) conference, it's clear that librarians are focused on embracing the expanding digital world and specifically on providing ebooks as part of library services. Of course, along with that come all the issues and considerations involved: copyright/DRM, rising costs of digital collections, format issues, and the rapidly evolving publishing market. For librarians, it's all about providing enhanced services through the emerging technologies. They had a lot to look at and think about in New Orleans.
NetLibrary Ebooks Now Integrated on EBSCOhost Platform
EBSCO Publishing's collection of more than 300,000 ebook and audiobook titles (formerly from NetLibrary) is now integrated on EBSCOhost. (EBSCO had released a preview to customers in March.) EBSCO is also paving the way for new models such as short-term leases, subscription models, and expanded Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA), which will be introduced within the next few months.
CourseSmart Launches HTML5-Based Reader for Etextbooks
CourseSmart announced the beta launch of its newest reader platform providing users with online, offline, anything, anywhere access to its etextbooks. The first in the industry to use HTML5 technology for etextbooks and coupled with the latest version of Mozilla Firefox 5.0, this cloud-based offering now provides the same productivity features whether users are online or offline.
Serials Solutions Releases Coverage Analysis of Summon Discovery Service
Serials Solutions, a business unit of ProQuest LLC, released a new list of key databases and packages, as well as updated comprehensive lists of the serials titles and publishers available in the Summon index, providing librarians with even greater visibility into the quality content indexed in the Summon service. By making these lists available now and in the future, Serials Solutions aims to provide unprecedented transparency to the breadth of the full-text searchable content in its discovery service.
Kurt Sanford Replaces Marty Kahn as ProQuest CEO
by Marydee Ojala
In a decorous transition, Marty Kahn handed over the CEO reins of ProQuest to Kurt Sanford, a 14-year veteran of LexisNexis, on July 13, 2011. Kahn will move on to the post of vice chairman of ProQuest's Board of Directors, so he won't be far from the action. Sanford, in addition to his CEO duties, will also have a seat on the ProQuest board.

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