Ebook Developments Were HOT at ALA
by Paula J. Hane
Looking over the program of presentations and panels and at the vendors exhibiting at the recent American Library Association Annual (ALA) conference, it's clear that librarians are focused on embracing the expanding digital world and specifically on providing ebooks as part of library services. Of course, along with that come all the issues and considerations involved: copyright/DRM, rising costs of digital collections, format issues, and the rapidly evolving publishing market. For librarians, it's all about providing enhanced services through the emerging technologies. They had a lot to look at and think about in New Orleans.
Summon Adds Hoover’s Company Records
Serials Solutions, a business unit of ProQuest LLC, announced that it has signed an agreement with Hoover's, Inc. to enable the discovery of Hoover's Company Records content from the Summon web-scale discovery service. Featuring profiles of more than 40,000 companies, 600 industries, and 225,000 key executives, Hoover's Company Records is a leading electronic distributor of information about U.S. and global companies, industries, and the people who lead them.
Cambridge University Press to Launch Platform for Other Academic Publishers
Cambridge University Press announced that it will be launching a new integrated ebook and digital content platform for other academic publishers called University Publishing Online. From October 2011, University Publishing Online will provide libraries with ebooks and related database products from a variety of academic publishers worldwide.
WorldCat Content Coming to Credo General Reference Service
OCLC and Credo Reference announced that they signed an agreement to integrate the WorldCat Search API into the Credo General Reference service, its flagship content application. With this new agreement, OCLC member libraries that subscribe to the Credo General Reference service will be able to retrieve a list of books from WorldCat related to the topic of their Credo Reference search.
Amazon and Google Take Ebook Rivalry Up a Few Notches
by Nancy K. Herther
On Monday, July 11, Google announced the first e-reader integrated with the open Google ebooks platform, making it easier for users to load and read Google ebooks in a Wi-Fi environment. However, by Wednesday, Amazon appeared to confirm long-held rumors of its plans to release a tablet this fall. These efforts seem intended to prepare for the upcoming holidays—the season when more consumer electronics products are sold than any other time of year.

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