ITI NewsLink
Monday, May 23, 2011

How have things changed, how are they the same?

Accessible Archives, Inc. provides newspaper coverage of colonial and early American life. See our nation develop from a diverse group of colonies. Read the 1780s spin, when the framers lived and “freedom of the press” was born. Get the scoop from:
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NewsLink Spotlight

Book Recommendation Services
by Paula J. Hane
My family and friends have long been valued sources of recommendations for that next good read. We eagerly trade paperbacks, and we don't get bent out of shape if our preferences don't always match someone's recommendations. Amazon's recommendations have proven helpful to me over the years (Customers who bought this also …), and sometimes it highlights items I might not have thought of checking. But with the increased interest in ebooks and the phenomenal sales of e-readers, it's worth knowing about some other very helpful sources for book recommendations. There's a growing number of them popping up, and I was quite surprised to find so many when I started digging. Each has its own special strengths, so you might want to check out several.

Weekly News Digests

Groups Support Congressionally Mandated Reports Act
Nearly 30 organizations, including SLA, ALA, ARL, and AALL, recently joined OpenTheGovernment.org in endorsing the Congressionally Mandated Reports Act, a bill soon to be introduced by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Illinois). The Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act requires that any report required by statute to be issued to Congress and releasable under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) be posted on a website managed by the US Government Printing Office (GPO). The reports would be available no later than 30 days after their transmission to Congress and would be searchable by a number of categories.
National Library of France Embarks on Huge Digitization Project
The BnF, the National Library of France, signed a new deal with the Jouve-Safig-Diadeis partnership for the digitization of its print collections. As the principal representative of the operation, the Jouve Group will work in partnership with Safig, Diadeis, and the subcontractor BancTec, to digitize more than 70,000 works per year, of which about 70% will come from the print collections of the BnF and 30% from the collections of partner libraries. Financed by the Centre national du livre, the agreement has been set for a 3-year period, renewable for 1 year after.
Print Isn’t Dead, Says Bowker’s Annual Book Production Report
Bowker released its annual report on U.S. print book publishing, compiled from its Books In Print database. Based on preliminary figures from U.S. publishers, Bowker is projecting that despite the popularity of ebooks, traditional U.S. print title output in 2010 increased 5%. Output of new titles and editions increased from 302,410 in 2009 to a projected 316,480 in 2010. The 5% increase comes on the heels of a 4% increase the previous year based on the final 2008-2009 figures.


McGraw-Hill eBook Library Debuts As Its Etextbook Platform
by Nancy K. Herther
On May 12, 2011, McGraw-Hill Professional announced its new ebook platform, the McGraw-Hill eBook Library, described as "a state-of-the-art platform delivering unparalleled access to the publisher's premium content for institutions around the world." According to the website, the product was initially scheduled to launch in March 2011. Company officials plan appearances at library-related conferences throughout the coming year to demo the new ebook service, geared to the needs of professional and academic markets.

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Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com