Thursday, January 27, 2011
Review of the Year 2010 and Trends Watch 2011
by Paula J. Hane
The year 2010 saw the emergence of the iPad, the Android, and apps—lots and lots of apps. The market for mobile computing skyrocketed this year. And, information industry providers were quick to jump in with content delivery apps of all kinds. But I actually think it's a toss-up for top news of the year. While some say 2010 was the year of the app, there's also a very strong case that it could be considered the year of the ebook. And in our information industry, you could make a claim for it being the year of the platform relaunch (and I did, in my December 2010 NewsBreak Update column in Information Today,.
Free AllBusiness.com Download Center
AllBusiness.com, Inc. (a D&B company) now has a free Download Center offering free downloadable business templates, presentations, training guides, checklists, and other essential legal documents and business forms. The exclusive collection covers just about every important business topic, from finance and human resources to sales and marketing.
EBSCO Publishing Rolls Out World Politics Review
EBSCO Publishing released World Politics Review (WPR), a new full-text database on EBSCOhost providing extensive coverage of international politics and foreign affairs. World Politics Review is updated daily and provides in-depth background material on global issues that are not deeply covered by mainstream media sources. WPR offers articles that synthesize expert opinion from multiple sources presenting unbiased overviews or an alternative analytical approach to global relations topics.
EasyBib.com and OCLC Collaborate on Library-Branded Citation Service
OCLC and ImagineEasy Solutions, LLC are collaborating to create a customizable library version of ImagineEasy Solutions' popular EasyBib.com service, the popular online citation site on the web. The EasyBib Library Edition service will be rolled out in a beta testing phase with select OCLC member libraries this month.
OpenGovernment.org Beta for State Legislative Data
by Peggy Garvin
Along with a cooperative network of civic hackers, the nonprofit Participatory Politics Foundation (PPF) launched OpenGovernment.org, a beta site for searching state legislative data. (OpenGovernment.org is not to be confused with neither the OpenTheGovernment.org, a nonprofit coalition advocating for improved access to government information, nor with OpenGovernmentData.org, a resource for developing applications using government data.) OpenGovernment.org is most closely related to OpenCongress.org, another PPF project. OpenCongress.org is a free website for finding, tracking, and learning about congressional bills and members of Congress. Both OpenCongress.org and the new OpenGovernment.org site are supported with data and financing from the Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit advocating for greater transparency and accountability in government operations.


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