Review of the Year 2010 and Trends Watch 2011
by Paula J. Hane
The year 2010 saw the emergence of the iPad, the Android, and apps—lots and lots of apps. The market for mobile computing skyrocketed this year. And, information industry providers were quick to jump in with content delivery apps of all kinds. But I actually think it's a toss-up for top news of the year. While some say 2010 was the year of the app, there's also a very strong case that it could be considered the year of the ebook. And in our information industry, you could make a claim for it being the year of the platform relaunch (and I did, in my December 2010 NewsBreak Update column in Information Today,.
OCLC Releases New Report on Perceptions of Libraries
OCLC published a new membership report. "Perceptions of Libraries, 2010: Context and Community" is a follow-up to the 2005 "Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources." The new report provides updated information and new insights into information consumers and their online information habits, preferences, and perceptions. Particular attention was paid to how the current economic downturn has affected information-seeking behaviors and how those changes are reflected in the use and perception of libraries.
Credo Reference Enhances Topic Pages With H.W. Wilson Databases
Credo Reference has now enabled access to databases from H.W. Wilson. Mutual customers can now link to the WilsonWeb databases from Credo Topic Pages via a Z39.50 search.
Mergent Metadata to be Added to EBSCO EDS
EBSCO Publishing and Mergent, Inc. agreed to allow metadata from Mergent's largest collection, the Annual Reports Database, to be added to the Base Index of EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). The addition of Mergent resources to the EDS Base Index enhances the quality of metadata available and brings added value to EDS customers.
Europeana Publishes Strategic Plan
by Katherine Allen
Europeana, the portal that provides links to cultural artifacts such as paintings, music, films, and books from cultural institutions across Europe, published a new strategic plan that sets out the direction for its development up to 2015. To remain successful, the plan reports that Europeana must move to a more distributed model, collaborating with other content aggregators and making its content available in the places where users congregate online, such as social networks and educational sites.
If you are interested in sponsoring the NewsLink newsletter throughout the year, please contact account executive LaShawn Fugate for details: lashawn@infotoday.com.