ITI NewsLink
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sponsored by: Internet@Schools East

Internet@Schools East - Registration Now Open!

 Back in Washington, DC This Year!!!

The challenge of change continues to affect all those in K-12 education. All this change is, of course, affecting those very areas where you, the library media and technology specialists, are practicing your craft … teaching, learning, advising, supporting, collaborating. Your efforts and your programs must remain at the forefront as the education community ramps up in these difficult and fluid times to equip all students for life in the 21st century. What a challenge!

Join us at Internet@Schools East 2011, being held at the Hilton Washington in Washington, DC, where you can network face-to-face with presenters and attendees addressing the same challenge, even while you blog, twitter, or text with colleagues far afield. You’ll be well served with ideas to take back to your school and media center. Find out more...

NewsLink Spotlight

News and Trends We Could Do Without
by Paula J. Hane
At this time of year, I watch closely for the usual year-end wrap-ups and trend watch articles, though I keep an eye open all year for evidence of emergent trends in the seemingly endless tide of industry news. As usual, the trends seem to present an interesting mix of opportunities and challenges. In this fast-paced, increasingly online world, things are certainly never dull. Lately, I've run across some news items and trends that I feel we could do without. Note that these are my personal comments—no reflection on Information Today, Inc.

Weekly News Digests

CAS Introduces SciFinder Enhancements
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a provider of chemical information and a division of the American Chemical Society, announced new time-saving advancements and usability improvements to SciFinder, its premier research and discovery tool. The enhancements will accelerate researchers' workflow and are especially valuable for synthetic chemists and other researchers engaged in lab preparations and synthesis planning.
De Gruyter to Offer Eproducts to End Users
Beginning in mid-January 2011, De Gruyter is extending its offering of ebooks, ejournals, and databases to individual end customers. Until now, the publishing house has offered its electronic products exclusively to institutional customers.
Appinions Sees the Web Through the Lens of People’s Opinions
A new software platform introducted Appinions for publishing, media companies, and researchers. Instead of reading countless pages of web content delivered by conventional search tools, Appinions aggregates content detailiig what people are saying, feeling, and thinking about a particular subject throughout the web. Appinions also released three apps: Sports Appinions, Celebrity Appinions, and Appinions W3 for WikiLeaks.


Google's eBookstore Takes Ebooks to the Next Level
by Nancy K. Herther
On Monday, Dec. 6, 2010, after months of anticipation, Google officially launched Google eBookstore (previously called Google Editions), marking an important milestone for the ebook industry. The eBookstore concept goes far beyond being another option for acquiring ebooks, incorporating key design innovations in user options and operation as well as involving brick-and-mortar bookstores as partners in the enterprise. Google is expected to expand the service to European markets by March 2011 and to Japan later next year.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com