ITI NewsLink
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Sponsored by: Internet@Schools East

Internet@Schools East - Registration Now Open!

 Back in Washington, DC This Year!!!

The challenge of change continues to affect all those in K-12 education. All this change is, of course, affecting those very areas where you, the library media and technology specialists, are practicing your craft … teaching, learning, advising, supporting, collaborating. Your efforts and your programs must remain at the forefront as the education community ramps up in these difficult and fluid times to equip all students for life in the 21st century. What a challenge!

Join us at Internet@Schools East 2011, being held at the Hilton Washington in Washington, DC, where you can network face-to-face with presenters and attendees addressing the same challenge, even while you blog, twitter, or text with colleagues far afield. You’ll be well served with ideas to take back to your school and media center. Find out more...

NewsLink Spotlight

News and Trends We Could Do Without
by Paula J. Hane
At this time of year, I watch closely for the usual year-end wrap-ups and trend watch articles, though I keep an eye open all year for evidence of emergent trends in the seemingly endless tide of industry news. As usual, the trends seem to present an interesting mix of opportunities and challenges. In this fast-paced, increasingly online world, things are certainly never dull. Lately, I've run across some news items and trends that I feel we could do without. Note that these are my personal comments—no reflection on Information Today, Inc.

Weekly News Digests

Journalism Online’s Press+ to Launch on College Newspapers
Press+, the e-commerce platform created by Journalism Online that enables digital news publishers to collect revenue from readers, announced that it is adding services aimed at helping college newspapers generate income from avid off-campus readers, such as alumni and parents.
Reed Tech Introduces Web Archiving Service
Reed Technology and Information Services, a member of the LexisNexis Group, is introducing Reed Tech Web Archiving Services powered by Iterasi. The comprehensive web archiving service will help corporations, government, and professional services firms capture and preserve web-based content to support the growing need for litigation protection, e-discovery, and compliance with various laws and regulations.
FCC Proposes Rules for Free and Open Internet
In his Dec. 1 post , Julius Genachowski, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), offered a progress report on the state of the internet: "After months of hard work we have reached an important milestone in the fight to protect a free and open Internet for all Americans. Today, the FCC proposed basic rules of the road to preserve the open Internet as a platform for innovation, investment, job creation, competition, and free expression."


Yahoo! Clues: A New Source for Search Data
by Greg R. Notess
Yes, Yahoo! now uses Microsoft's Bing to power its web searching, but the company continues to make the case that it will continue to innovate in web search. Yahoo! has been adding new features and interfaces to a variety of its search products. One recent example is Yahoo! Clues, which launched in mid-November 2010. While it is just in beta and in its early stages, Clues offer unique information not readily available from other sources.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com