Digital Lending Goes into OverDrive
by Paula J. Hane
I'd been hearing some buzz this summer about various improvements made by OverDrive to its services for libraries—more content, mobile apps, simplified procedures, etc. OverDrive is a full-service digital distributor of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and video that first launched its online digital warehouse in 2000. So, I caught up with the company's vice president of marketing, David Burleigh, for an extended conversation on what's new and what's coming. While OverDrive offers publishers a secure, web-based, wholesale distribution service for the sale and delivery of digital media, I didn't get into the details of that side of the business. Our discussion focused on what OverDrive offers libraries and their patrons.
ARL Promotes Member Use of Large-Scale Digitization Principles
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL; http://www.arl.org) Board of Directors unanimously voted on July 26, 2010, to endorse a set of nine principles to guide vendor/publisher relations in large-scale digitization projects of special collections materials, recommended by its Transforming Special Collections in the Digital Age Working Group. The Board's vote strongly encourages ARL member libraries to refrain from signing future agreements with publishers or vendors, either individually or through consortia, which do not adhere to the principles.
Access Innovations, Inc. Launches “TaxoDiary” Blog
Access Innovations, Inc. (http://www.accessinn.com) has launched TaxoDiary (www.taxodiary.com), a blog that covers news and information about indexing, ontologies, taxonomies, controlled vocabularies, metatagging, and related subjects.
EBSCO Publishing and NoveList Debut a New Interface
EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO; http://www.ebscohost.com) along with the creators of readers' advisory database NoveList (http://www.ebscohost.com/novelist/) have released a new interface for all NoveList and NoveList Plus products. The new interface will include all the characteristics librarians enjoy along with changes that make recommendations easier to obtain, searching more intuitive, and allows quick access to more content than ever. The updated interface is designed to help librarians and their patrons find their next great read. The redesign incorporated a variety of suggestions from readers' advisory experts and librarians.
Facebook Questions & Ask.com: Cashing in on Mass Ignorance
by Woody Evans
What the evangelists of the Semantic Web say is true: the bigger the web gets, the harder it is to find what we want to know. To that end, the perennial concern for providing "answers" has again popped up—and this time indicators point toward a substantive change in the tone of the web, along the lines of the paradigm shift from directories to search engines. Two recent developments typify this change—Facebook Questions and Ask.com.

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