ITI NewsLink
Monday, August 02, 2010

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Internet Librarian

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NewsLink Spotlight

Digital Lending Goes into OverDrive
by Paula J. Hane
I'd been hearing some buzz this summer about various improvements made by OverDrive to its services for libraries—more content, mobile apps, simplified procedures, etc. OverDrive is a full-service digital distributor of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and video that first launched its online digital warehouse in 2000. So, I caught up with the company's vice president of marketing, David Burleigh, for an extended conversation on what's new and what's coming. While OverDrive offers publishers a secure, web-based, wholesale distribution service for the sale and delivery of digital media, I didn't get into the details of that side of the business. Our discussion focused on what OverDrive offers libraries and their patrons.

Weekly News Digests

SwetsWise 5.5 Goes Live
Swets (http://www.swets.com), a subscription services company announced the successful launch and implementation of SwetsWise Release 5.5, the latest technical update to its pioneering portfolio of products and services. This latest update introduces a host of updates and additional functionalities into the platform that will help to simplify the selection and acquisition procedures for both journals and ebooks within SwetsWise and provide additional renewal support features to all customers.
WebWorks Publishing Solution Supports iPad and ePUB Standard
WebWorks (http://www.webworks.com), a brand of Quadralay Corp., announced its enterprise level content conversion tool with built-in support for the Apple iPad and ePUB standard (http://www.idpf.org/). The company says that its ePublisher 2010 Mobile Plus release is the first enterprise solution to support the emerging ePUB standard to create ebooks readable on the newest generation of mobile content devices.
DuraSpace Introduces DuraCloud Open Source
The DuraSpace organization (http://duraspace.org) unveiled the open source code for the new DuraCloud platform (http://duracloud.org), a hosted service and open technology that makes it easy for organizations and end users to use cloud services (https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/duracloud/DuraCloud). DuraCloud is an open source platform that is built upon commercial cloud infrastructure. The platform itself deploys into a cloud server environment and is integrated with multiple cloud storage providers, including Amazon AWS and RackSpace. DuraSpace is making the open source code available to enable the community to create new software and services that integrate with the core platform.


SkyRiver and Innovative Interfaces File Antitrust Suit Against OCLC
by Edward M. Corrado
SkyRiver Technology Solutions (http://theskyriver.com) filed a complaint for Federal and State antitrust violations and unfair competition against OCLC (http://www.oclc.org) in United States District Court, Northern Division of California on July 28. The suit [1] alleges that OCLC is "unlawfully monopolizing the bibliographic data, cataloging service and interlibrary lending markets and is attempting to monopolize the market for integrated library systems by anticompetitive and exclusionary agreements, policies and practices." Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (http://www.iii.com) is listed as a co-plaintiff. OCLC released a statement on July 29 saying that it hadn't reviewed the complaint yet and after it reviews the complaint and "have had an opportunity to review the allegations with its legal counsel, a statement in response will be forthcoming." This suit could have major implications in the library software and technology services industry. If the suit is successful, OCLC may have to provide for-profit firms access to the WorldCat database and there could be implications for OCLC's status as a non-profit cooperative.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com