Tuesday, October 22, 2024
A 2024 Pew Research Center Check-In
by Brandi Scardilli
NewsBreaks often covers recent surveys and reports from Pew Research Center, "a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world." Its website has 12 main topic sections, each showcasing the latest research, which is collected in reports, fact sheets, or other formats that extrapolate respondents' answers to cover the entire U.S. (or other) population. Here are some of the latest reports and other analyses from throughout 2024.
TeenTober! A Spotlight on Teen Library Services
by Patti Gibbons
October may be best known as the season for ghouls and goblins, but it is also the perfect time to celebrate teens and teen-focused library services. In 2019, ALA's Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) kicked off its now-annual TeenTober advocacy campaign to highlight resources and programming that keep teens engaged and connected to information year-round at America's libraries.

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