How Libraries Help Patrons Go on Vacation
by Brandi Scardilli
Traveling any time of year is great, but there's something special about getting away in the summer—the schools are closed, the days are long, and the weather is warm. In honor of the summer season in the U.S., I checked in with some public libraries to see what travel resources they offer. If you're looking to create a more robust collection of travel and vacation services at your library, I hope you take inspiration from what these library workers have been doing. And maybe you'll even get an idea about where to take your own next trip.
For Goodness Sake: Artificial Intelligence and Nonprofits
by Terry Ballard
Almin Surani is a Toronto-based IT expert who has worked with nonprofit enterprises for decades. He began his career with the Canadian Red Cross, rising to a 10-year run as CIO from 2008 to 2018. He told me that he spotted the convergence of AI and nonprofit enterprises years ago and has finally landed in a position where he can make those possibilities a reality.

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