We Are Not Safe From Mass Shootings … But We Could Be
by Alison A. Trotta
I was in high school when Columbine happened. At the time, everything about it felt surreal, unsettling. Growing up in an area that was considered safe, it seemed unfathomable that something like that could happen. Surely, it would never happen at my high school. Surely, it was an impossible thing. Still, I remember the unease, walking those halls, the whisper of worry in the eyes of my classmates. My mother's more emphatic "be careful." Then, it was an anomaly. Now, it is commonplace.
Some Good News for Libraries
This Digest features a roundup of a few of the good-news stories that came out of last week's National Library Week.
'The Book Business Needs to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally' by Angela Engel
Publishers Weekly put forth an article by Angela Engel, "a publisher and a parent of a queer-identifying child," who opines, "It is not enough to add LGBTQ titles to publishers' lists or create imprints dedicated to LGBTQ titles. We are at a pivotal point in history where all of us must speak out and act against any insinuation that drag has an agenda to indoctrinate children."
Clarivate Publishes Report on U.S. Research Trends
Clarivate released "U.S. Research Trends: The Impact of Globalization and Collaboration," "an in-depth report from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) which examines the impact of globalization on United States research."
Law Library of Congress Makes Its Legal Reports Available via HeinOnline
"[T]he Law Library of Congress is proud to announce that our legal reports will now also be accessible via HeinOnline. These reports are written by foreign law specialists at the Law Library and cover 300+ jurisdictions. ..."
SAGE Report Studies Librarian and Student Perspectives on Undergraduate Research
Technology From SAGE shared the results of a survey of nearly 600 students in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada in a new report, "The Knowledge Gap Between Librarians and Students: Contrasting Librarian and Student Perspectives on the Undergraduate Workflow" (registration required).
Librarians as Second Responders: Resources for Mental Health Awareness Month
by Patti Gibbons
Libraries support their communities in numerous ways, but increasingly, librarians are finding themselves in a position to provide mental health information and emotional support during crisis situations. In observance of National Mental Health Awareness Month, the following mental health-related information and resources were gathered with librarians in mind.

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