ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

 Cover image for Computers in Libraries' Jan/Feb 2023 issue

Online Searcher is joining Computers in Libraries! Take a look at the expanded magazine and enjoy a reflection of the evolution of the online information industry through the lens of the magazines that helped shape it.

Subscribe to Computers in Libraries in printPDF, or print-plus-PDF.

Learn more at infotoday.com/cilmag/cilinfo.shtml

NewsLink Spotlight

EDI Perspectives, Part 3
by Gwen M. Gregory
Gwen M. Gregory, associate dean for collections management at Northern Illinois University's Founders Memorial Library, writes a column for Information Today that explores issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI, sometimes referred to as DEI) in the information industry. Here's a look at her columns from April to November/December 2022, which have been lightly edited and condensed for the web.

Weekly News Digests

OverDrive Introduces New Features to Enhance Book Discovery
OverDrive is adding deep search and Notify Me tags in the Libby app to "help readers discover titles beyond the library's collection and indicate titles of interest."
cOAlition S Ends Financial Support for Transformative OA Publishing After 2024
cOAlition S shared the following: "After careful consideration of the outcomes of transformative arrangements, the leadership of cOAlition S reaffirms that, as a principle, its members will no longer financially support these arrangements after 2024."
Gale Digital Scholar Lab Fosters Easier Collaboration With New Groups Feature
Gale Digital Scholar Lab for humanities education added a new feature, Gale Digital Scholar Lab: Groups, which "enables researchers, instructors and students at the same institution to collaborate on digital humanities projects within the platform and explore Gale Primary Sources in new and exciting ways."
IFLA Publishes an Update to Its Latest Trends Report
IFLA issued an update to its 2022 Trend Report, stating, "Since the original version almost ten years ago, the IFLA Trend Report has become a platform for sharing key ideas and insights from exciting thinkers inside and outside of our field."
Mellon Foundation Offers Grants to 26 U.S. Higher Education Institutions Studying Social Justice
The Mellon Foundation is providing more than $12 million in funding to support 26 colleges and universities in the U.S. that are "mounting social justice-related research or curricular projects" related to three topical categories: Civic Engagement and Voting Rights, Race and Racialization in the United States, and Social Justice and the Literary Imagination.


How NASA Works With Libraries, Schools, and Private Citizens to Explore the Universe
by Terry Ballard
I am old enough to remember sitting in my parents' den watching Neil Armstrong take the first steps on the moon. In those days, NASA was an immense government agency that spent billions of dollars to send people into space and probes to every corner of the solar system. It seemed to be staffed by thousands of intense-looking men who carried slide rules in their shirt pockets. It never occurred to me that this massive enterprise would want to interact with regular citizens, beyond letting us watch as rockets are being launched. But something changed as we moved into a new century. NASA staffers are now doing outreach to make sure that you are as excited about the universe as they are.
A Copyright Reboot for Robots
by Christopher Kenneally
CCC's Chris Kenneally, host and producer of CCC's weekly podcast series, Velocity of Content (which features breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the global content industry), recently recorded an episode with professor Ryan Abbott, a widely recognized expert on the intersection of AI and copyright.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com