ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Don't miss these NewsBreak stories from 2022:

"What's New With Public Library Ebook Vendors" (February Spotlight)

"A Day in the Life of Five Librarians, Part 8" (April Spotlight)

"Toward Greater Accessibility in the Physical and Digital Library" (May 3 NewsBreak)

"What You Need to Know About the Metaverse" (August Spotlight)

"Exploring the World of Data Science: A Primer for Librarians" (Sept. 13 NewsBreak)


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NewsLink Spotlight

Dark Patterns Deep Dive
by Kelly LeBlanc
In November 2021, Kelly LeBlanc wrote "The Magic of Dark Patterns: Can We Evade Their Trickery?" for NewsBreaks. Throughout 2022, she covered various dark patterns in depth for Information Today. The following are excerpts from her article series.

Weekly News Digests

AM Allows Primary Source Access for Big Ten Academic Alliance Consortium
AM (the new name for Adam Matthew Digital) entered into a new agreement with the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) library consortium that will give scholars at 14 of the leading research institutions in the U.S. access to essential primary source content from the entire AM core collections portfolio.
OverDrive Provides Report on the State of EContent in Academic Libraries
OverDrive shares the results of a Choice survey, "The State of Ebooks in Academic Libraries: 2022," which finds that "[a]s academic libraries pivot to meet the needs of a digital-first student population, many libraries are shifting their digital collections to include more popular fiction and nonfiction digital materials."
Simba Information Studies the OA Publishing Market
Simba Information released a report, "Open Access Journal Publishing 2022-2026," which features detailed market information for the OA segment of scholarly journal publishing, analyzes trends that impact OA publishing, and forecasts market growth.
PLOS Joins Forces With EarthArXiv for Automatic Preprint Submission
PLOS teamed up with EarthArXiv so that beginning in 2023, authors submitting work to PLOS ClimatePLOS Sustainability and Transformation, and PLOS Water can opt to automatically submit their manuscript to the EarthArXiv preprint server from within PLOS's submission system.
ALA Throws Its Weight Behind the Adult Education WORKS Act
ALA is supporting the bipartisan Adult Education Workforce Opportunity and Reskilling for Knowledge and Success Act (Adult Education WORKS Act), which aims to "expand economic opportunity and mobility for millions of people by increasing funding for adult education, strengthening coordination across adult education and workforce programs, and providing support for college and career navigators at public libraries and community-based organizations among its provisions."


Uprooted, Nomadic, and Displaced: The Unspoken Costs of the Upward Climb
by Katrina Spencer
As LIS workers ascend the ranks of their professions, particularly in academia, many find ourselves moving about the nation on epic and unanticipated geographic journeys. City people move to rural towns, and folks from the country get to know cosmopolitan hubs. Each move, while presenting new professional opportunities, also brings new landscapes, new challenges, and new encounters—some welcome and others not so much. This article aims to chronicle testimonies of these journeys and to better inform LIS graduate students about the professional plains they will soon come to know. For some, the displacement is a blessing, opening delightfully novel horizons. For others, the disorientation brings about a slew of discomforts—among them, a lack of predictability.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com