ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, November 08, 2022


NewsLink Spotlight

Librarians After Hours, Part 2
by Thomas Pack

Thomas Pack writes the After Hours column for Information Today newsmagazine, which features a quick look at sites info pros might not know about, but should. It reflects when readers would typically have a chance to dig into the sites covered—that is, after work hours.

Here are edited excerpts from Pack's columns from January/February 2022 to November/December 2022, which have been lightly edited and condensed for the web.

Weekly News Digests

'Congress Is Sleeping on Making Daylight Saving Time Permanent' by Kelly Rissman
"[T]he House has yet to take up the Sunshine Protection Act, which would eliminate the twice-a-year time change; a number of members of Congress have called for action."
'Permanent Daylight Saving Time Will Hurt Our Health, Experts Say' by Sandee LaMotte
"The end of Daylight Saving Time is upon us again, an autumn tradition when the United States, Europe, most of Canada and a number of other countries move their clocks backwards an hour in a sort of Groundhog Day trust fall. We'll move them forward (again) next spring when governments put daylight saving back in place."
Gale Digital Scholar Lab Plays a Role in Research on King Tut's Tomb, 100 Years After Its Discovery
"For the first time in nearly 100 years, scholars and the curious public can see one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century in a new light. The Tutankhamun Centenary: 1922–2022 is a website showcasing University of Washington students' groundbreaking digital humanities (DH) research to mark a century since the discovery of King Tutankhamun's (King Tut's) tomb."
OCLC Shares the Latest Genealogy Resources on WorldCat, Settles Clarivate Suit
"For genealogy enthusiasts, educators, and historians, the new WorldCat.org offers an improved experience to uncover family lineages and investigate historical events. By exploring the billions of library resources from more than 10,000 libraries worldwide represented on WorldCat.org, users can find an unparalleled pool of genealogical information."
The Royal Society of Chemistry Goes All In on OA
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is planning to make all 44 of its fully owned journals OA within 5 years. It will be the first chemistry publisher to do so.


Collections Management Policy Toolkit: A Free Online Template
by Patti Gibbons
The Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts, a nonprofit conservation-and-preservation facility, is launching a Collections Management Policy Toolkit. The Toolkit is a free online template that libraries, archives, museums, and similar cultural heritage organizations can use to create a comprehensive collection management policy. It is easy to use and can be edited to fit the needs of organizations large and small.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
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Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com