Tuesday, September 13, 2022
A Day in the Life of Five Librarians, Part 9
by Justin Hoenke
Justin Hoenke, the director of Gardiner Public Library in Gardiner, Maine, has been talking to all types of library staffers for A Day in the Life, his column in Information Today. Among other things, he asks them about their typical days, moments that made them proud, their current projects, and how they see the library field evolving. Here's a look at his columns from March 2022 to July/August 2022.
Content From NISO Plus 2022 Is Now Free to Everyone
"As an organization committed to making our outputs openly available, we're delighted to share with the community all the content from the NISO Plus conference held virtually earlier this year," writes Alice Meadows, NISO's director of community engagement.
U.S. Libraries Pay Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II
Libraries in the U.S. are marking the death of Queen Elizabeth for their royal-watching patrons. Here are a few examples.
The Civil Rights Digital Library Gets an Update
Mandy Mastrovita writes the following for the Digital Library of Georgia (part of the University System of Georgia), which administers the Civil Rights Digital Library: "A premier online compilation of digital civil rights content is relaunching with a new look and thousands of additional pieces of history."
The Future of Automation in Ecommerce
Greg Nichols writes the following for ZDNET: "What's the state of retail and e-commerce? When it comes to fulfilling orders, it's clearly gone to the robots, and there's no turning back."
'Four Lessons I've Learned as a Woman in Technology' by Katie Scranton
Katie Scranton, a principal data scientist for Elsevier Health, writes the following: "Since joining Elsevier Health, I've worked on a wide variety of projects and seen commonalities among them. I've also learned something new from each project."
Exploring the World of Data Science: A Primer for Librarians
by Larissa Pack
Data science is a concept that is continuing to gain popularity in mainstream media. It can often be in discussions of AI, machine learning, data analytics, predictive analytics, or other related terms. Whether it is the recommended shows on your Netflix account, the creation of digital faces that are indistinguishable from those of real human beings, or even the candidacy of a data scientist in a recent U.S. election, data science is continually revolutionizing our world.
A Cooperative Model of Digital Library Management
by Emily Zinger
It can be challenging for subject librarians who represent smaller programs to effectively advocate for robust digitization of their archival materials. This challenge is even more important to address when the materials in question originate from voices historically underrepresented in the archives, such as Southeast Asian communities. When selecting materials for digitization, how can a single institution ensure equity among subject areas while still serving a patron base as wide-ranging as that of an academic library? The Southeast Asia Digital Library (SEADL) offers a unique approach to answering this question.
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