ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Check out the new novel from Information Today, Inc's sister company, Plexus Publishing, Inc.:

Florilla: A Pinelands Romance

"Florilla has something for everyone: romance, adventure, magic, and history. Buchan leads us along an exquisitely described walk through time in the New Jersey Pinelands—a special treat for those who know and love the area and an adventure for those just getting to know it."
—Jane Gorman, author of Scones and Scofflaws: Cape May Cozy Mysteries With a Twist

Florilla cover

Granddaughter of "The Pinelands Witch," daughter of the self-styled Wizard of the Pines, and with powers of her own, eleven-year-old Florilla Munion finds herself abandoned deep in the New Jersey Pinelands. Rescued by the itinerant Dr. Peace, she is taken to Benderville, a model mill town in the heart of the Pines owned by the doctor's old friend, the eccentric, progressive Benjamin Bender. Benjamin Bender takes Florilla in, and she becomes his pupil when he discovers her talent for his beloved Latin and Greek.

But Benderville is only the beginning of Florilla's journey. 

2021 | 240 pp/hardcover | ISBN 978-1-940091-09-9 | $16.95
2021 | 240 pp/trade paperback | ISBN 978-1-940091-08-2 | $13.95
Order Now: Print Edition | Amazon Kindle | B&N Nook | Kobo

NewsLink Spotlight

Great Reads for 2022
by Brandi Scardilli
As part of Information Today's We the People column in the January/February issue, Information Today contributors and staffers share the books they're most looking forward to in 2022.

Weekly News Digests

Gale Digital Scholar Lab Gets Updated Features
Gale added new and improved features to its Gale Digital Scholar Lab, giving digital humanities researchers a better user experience. It has a new interface and redesigned analysis tools based on user feedback, including an analysis dashboard. ...
SAGE Digs Into New Streaming Video Study
SAGE shared that an experiment by researchers at the University of Toronto–Scarborough's Advanced Learning Technologies Lab confirms the value of streaming video resources for learning and shows that it can increase academic performance.
CCC and CeMPro Provide Avenue for Rights to Spanish-Language Titles in Schools
CCC joined forces with CeMPro, a Mexico-based organization that protects and represents the rights of authors and publishers, to provide "educators and intermediaries [with] access to reuse rights from tens of thousands of Spanish-language titles as part of CCC's Annual Copyright License for Curriculum & Instruction (ACLCI)."
TLC Shares Its Company Accomplishments From 2021
The Library Corp. (TLC) did a year in review for 2021, in which the company reported its achievements.
OCLC's 'New Model Library: Plan for Positive Change in the Midst of Challenges'
Ixchel M. Faniel, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Brittany Brannon, Brooke Doyle, and Brian Lavoie write the following for OCLC's Next blog: "When we did the research for the New Model Library: Pandemic Effects and Library Directions briefing, a term that came up often was 'normal' (Is this change part of a new normal? When will this activity get back to normal?). While interesting, these questions don't acknowledge that libraries are incredibly diverse in terms of culture, size, type, goals, and locations."


The FYI on CRT
by Anthony Aycock
You've probably heard the term critical race theory (CRT). Donald Trump blasted it. U.S. Senate Republicans said teachers shouldn't be trained in it. Nearly 30 Republican-controlled state legislatures have passed or are considering bills outlawing it. But what exactly is CRT? How did it get to the forefront of political discussions? And what are the best information sources on it for librarians to recommend?

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com