ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

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 Information Today November/December cover

Each issue of Information Today provides stories that analyze current events and trends affecting info pros. 

Contact editor Brandi Scardilli (bscardilli@infotoday.com) to propose a story. All topics will be considered. Click here for recent featured topics.

NewsLink Spotlight

Pew Research Center Updates From Another Pandemic Year
by Brandi Scardilli
NewsBreaks often covers recent surveys and reports from Pew Research Center, "a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world." Its website has 12 topic sections, each showcasing the latest research, which is collected in reports, fact sheets, or other formats that extrapolate respondents' answers to cover the entire U.S. (or other) population. The reports have a summary page that includes the methodology for how the information was collected and a link to download and read the full report. The following are some of the latest reports from 2021.

Weekly News Digests

'AAP Sues to Block Maryland, New York Library E-Book Laws' by Jim Milliot
Jim Milliot writes the following for Publishers Weekly: "The Association of American Publishers filed suit December 9 to stop a new library e-book law in Maryland from taking effect on January 1, claiming that the law, which would require publishers who offer to license e-books to consumers in the state to also offer to license the works to libraries on 'reasonable' terms, is unconstitutional and runs afoul of federal copyright law."
'Copyright Alliance Commends AAP for Opposing State of Maryland's Unconstitutional E-Book Licensing Mandates'
The Copyright Alliance released the following statement from its CEO, Keith Kupferschmid: "We commend AAP for seeking to prevent the state of Maryland from creating what is effectively a compulsory license for literary works. The Maryland law raises serious constitutional and copyright law concerns. It is an alarming intrusion into the exclusive rights of copyright owners, and it sets a dangerous precedent. ..."
Library Futures' 'Statement on the Association of American Publishers Suit Against the State of Maryland'
Kyle K. Courtney and Jennie Rose Halperin write the following for Library Futures: "We are dismayed, but ultimately unsurprised, by the Association of American Publishers's decision to file suit against the State of Maryland for their ebooks law. ... It represents the Maryland Library Association's efforts to simply request equal access and pricing in digital content. Nevertheless, the AAP's complaint calls Maryland's law 'radical.'"
SirsiDynix and Lyngsoe Systems Integrate Their Products for Streamlined Library Management
Lyngsoe Systems and SirsiDynix signed a collaboration agreement to integrate SirsiDynix's Symphony ILS with Lyngsoe Systems' IMMS (Intelligent Material Management System).
Owl Labs Publishes Report on the State of Remote Work
Owl Labs released its fifth annual report on remote work, "State of Remote Work 2021," which looks at "how U.S. employees feel about remote and hybrid work, how their behaviors have evolved since the pandemic, and how employers are adjusting to new hybrid expectations."
Springer Nature Celebrates Publishing 1 Million OA Articles With a Tree-Planting Project
Springer Nature announced the following: "To celebrate becoming the first to publish one million Open Access ... articles, [Springer Nature] will fund the planting of 10,000 trees—one for every employee—over the next year, in the Khasi Hills in Northeast India."
SAGE Founder Signs Over Control to the SAGE-SMM Trust
SAGE shares that its "founder and owner Sara Miller McCune has signed over her voting shares and control of the company to the independent SAGE-SMM Trust. The move takes an irrevocable step towards her long-standing estate plan goal of ensuring SAGE remains an independent company focused on its mission to build bridges to knowledge through educational and research publishing."
New Zealand Researchers Study the Benefits of Children Engaging in Pleasure Reading
Auckland University of Technology's (AUT) Ruth Boyask, Celeste Harrington, and John Milne write the following for The Conversation: "Encouraging children to read for pleasure—which is different from it being a school task—has all kinds of benefits, as highlighted in the first comprehensive review of reading for pleasure in Aotearoa New Zealand."
Exact Editions Launches Digital Archive of Fact-Based Children's Books
Exact Editions announced the following: "Non-fiction children's book publisher What on Earth Books has launched a new digital collection of fact-filled books that are available for individual and institutional subscriptions through the Exact Editions platform. The collection offers readers a diverse perspective on the world, perfect for engaging children's natural curiosity and passion for learning."
Kanopy Collection Gains Films That Center on Marginalized Communities
Kanopy added 130-plus films from Milestone Films, via a distribution partnership with Kino Lorber, to its collection for global academic and public libraries.


A Nonprofit Company Wows Library Users With a New Interface
by Terry Ballard
Interactive Sciences' president and co-founder, Jeff Levinsky, came up with the idea for Wowbrary when he was president of the Friends of the Palo Alto Library. A friend of his complained that he had gone to the library and scanned the new book shelf to find something to read, but the shelf looked picked-over and uninteresting. Levinsky figured out the nature of the problem: The best and most interesting new books are already checked out by the time most people see the shelf. If his friend had looked in the catalog, he would have seen all of the latest novels and bombshell titles, but he would have to look for them specifically, one at a time. The solution was to create a program that highlights the newest acquisitions and puts them front and center. Since he had an IT background, Levinsky worked out a program that did exactly that.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com