ITI NewsLink
Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Call for Speakers Now Open!

Submit your proposal to speak at Computers in Libraries 2022! Our speakers are knowledgeable, authoritative and focus on practical applications, “how to” solutions, and case studies as well as technical and managerial issues. Please consider sharing your knowledge and ideas. Join us as a speaker next March!
Submit your proposal now.
Deadline is September 26, 2021.

NewsLink Spotlight

A Day in the Life of Five Librarians, Part 7
by Justin Hoenke
Justin Hoenke, team leader of libraries and community spaces for the Wellington City Libraries in New Zealand, has been talking to all types of library staffers for A Day in the Life, his column in Information Today. Among other things, he asks them about their typical days, moments that made them proud, their current projects, and how they balance their library work with the rest of their lives. Here's a look at his columns from January/February 2021 to June 2021.

Weekly News Digests

IBM Research Europe and Thieme Chemistry Join Forces to Share Data
IBM Research Europe and Thieme Chemistry teamed up to improve the IBM RXN for Chemistry cloud platform, which uses AI to help synthetic organic chemists predict the outcomes of chemical reactions.
Innovative Rolls Out Vega Discover for General Availability
Innovative's Vega Discover is now in general release for libraries using the Polaris ILS. This public library discovery solution has been under rapid development for the past year, with four libraries testing it out.
eLife Makes It Easier for Researchers to Request Name Changes
eLife announced that it "is among 13 publisher organisations beginning a partnership with all 17 United States Department of Energy national laboratories to support name-change requests from researchers."
ALA Introduces New Advocacy Resource
ALA's Public Policy and Advocacy Office developed a tool that will help library advocates meet with elected officials during Congress' August 2021 recess: How to Conduct an In-Person Library Tour.
'Pearson Launches a Comprehensive Textbook Solution for Students. What Are Its Prospects?' by Rick Anderson
Rick Anderson, university librarian at Brigham Young University, writes the following for The Scholarly Kitchen: "[T]he educational publisher Pearson announced the release of a new app-based service that will allow college students to buy online access to its entire 1,500-title catalog of college textbooks, plus an array of value-added services such as online annotation, flashcards, quizzes, and real-time online support, across multiple devices, for $14.99 per month."


Classic Wisdom for Contemporary Challenges: The 2021 AALL Conference
by Dave Shumaker
More than 1,600 information professionals met July 19–23 in "virtual Cleveland" for the American Association of Law Libraries' (AALL) annual conference. Under the conference theme Leading With Wisdom and Insight, they shared a liberal dose of classic wisdom for addressing the unique challenges of our present moment.

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This newsletter is published by Information Today, Inc.
Editor: Brandi Scardilli
Website: https://www.infotoday.com/NewsLink
Email: bscardilli@infotoday.com