Weekly News Digest
July 7, 2003 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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West Adds ResultsPlus Smart Technology to Westlaw
West, a Thomson Corp. business, announced that its Westlaw service now has ResultsPlus, a "smart research engine" that uses not just terms and connectors or natural language methods, but understands the context and content of what researchers are looking for and applies that understanding to find additional relevant materials. The CaRE technology (Categorization and Routing Engine) was originally developed to assist West's attorney-editors in classifying legal documents to the West Key Number System.For legal professionals, this means search results reflect the context of a broader base of on-point primary and analytical law content. When researchers use Westlaw for case law research, ResultsPlus automatically will display relevant articles from American Law Reports (ALR), guiding researchers to authoritative and definitive analysis of legal issues. ResultsPlus also will suggest key number queries researchers can use to enhance their research accuracy. In the coming months, additional analytical resources, such as federal and state practice series, and topical treatises, will be added to the library of sources ResultsPlus will search. Users will then be able to customize which sources ResultsPlus queries and how they appear on their screen. The company claims that Westlaw is the only research service that enables users to create a customized and personalized research interface. Source: West
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Brandi Scardilli