Weekly News Digest
July 15, 2010 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Web of Science Searchable in EBSCO Discovery Service
EBSCO Publishing and Thomson Reuters have come to an agreement allowing mutual customers to access Web of Science results within EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). The agreement means that institutions subscribing to both EDS and Web of Science may conduct their searches via the single search box of EBSCO Discovery Service, access the content in Web of Science within the results, and be able to link over to the full Web of Science record. Web of Science provides access to leading citation databases with current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities-including 256 disciplines. The content in Web of Science covers more than 11,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including open access journals and more than 110,000 conference proceedings. Web of Science joins Baker & Taylor, The British Library's Electronic Table of Contents File (ETOC), NewsBank, Readex, LexisNexis, Alexander Street Press, and many others in the EBSCO Discovery Service. EBSCO Discovery Service creates a unified, customized index of an institution's information resources and an easy, yet powerful means of accessing all of that content from a single search box-searching made even more powerful because of the quality of metadata and depth and breadth of coverage. Web of Science is one example of how EBSCO Discovery Service customers can add to the large EDS Base Index creating a truly custom collection and increasing the amount of information available to users through the single search box. The Base Index for EBSCO Discovery Service forms the foundation upon which each EDS subscribing library builds out its custom collection. Beginning with the Base Index, each institution extends the reach of EDS by adding appropriate resources including its catalog, institutional repositories, EBSCOhost and other databases, and additional content sources to which it subscribes. It is this combination that allows a single, comprehensive, custom solution for discovering the value of any library's collection. The EDS Base Index is comprised of metadata from the world's foremost information providers. At present, the EDS Base Index represents content from approximately 20,000 providers in addition to metadata from another 70,000 book publishers. Although constantly growing, today the EDS Base Index provides metadata for nearly 50,000 magazines and journals, approximately 825,000 CDs and DVDs, nearly 6 million books, more than 20,000 conference proceedings, and hundreds of thousands of additional information sources from various source-types. Source: EBSCO Publishing
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli