Weekly News Digest
March 12, 2009 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Serials Solutions’ Summon Service Adds Content and Development Partners
Serials Solutions (www.serialssolutions.com), a business unit of ProQuest, LLC (www.proquest.com), has signed new beta development partners and new content providers to its new Summon unified discovery service. University of Sydney and University of Liverpool join Dartmouth College and Oklahoma State University as beta development sites. New content will be contributed from such publishing leaders as the American Psychological Association (APA) and Alexander Street Press, well-known sources of scholarly journal content. The new beta site and content additions are part of the Summon service’s aggressive growth and development program in preparation for its launch mid-year.Announced in January (see the NewsBreak at http://newsbreaks.infotoday.com/nbReader.asp?ArticleId=52370), the Summon unified discovery service enables Google-like searching of the full breadth of content found in library collections—from books and videos to e-resources at the article level. The Summon service addresses what research shows is a fundamental barrier between libraries and users: a simple, obvious starting point for searches. The service is being developed in close cooperation with library beta partners, with a goal of not only bringing the researcher back to the library but also providing a channel for greater return on the library’s content investment. The University of Sydney and University of Liverpool library systems, particularly good fits because of their user-centered technologies and services, will provide feedback that will refine all aspects of the service. The participation of content providers is also a vital component of the service’s development. The Summon service surpasses federated search in favor of a single search against preharvested content enabling fast results, in true relevancy-ranked order. With lead participants ProQuest and Gale, the Summon service’s list of contributors has expanded dramatically in 2 months. The journals of APA and Alexander Street Press join the works of Springer, Taylor & Francis, SAGE Publications, and other organizations. To learn more about the Summon unified discovery service, visit www.serialssolutions.com/summon. Source: Serials Solutions
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Brandi Scardilli