Weekly News Digest
July 25, 2011 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Serials Solutions Releases Coverage Analysis of Summon Discovery Service
Serials Solutions, a business unit of ProQuest LLC, released a new list of key databases and packages, as well as updated comprehensive lists of the serials titles and publishers available in the Summon index, providing librarians with even greater visibility into the quality content indexed in the Summon service. By making these lists available now and in the future, Serials Solutions aims to provide unprecedented transparency to the breadth of the full-text searchable content in its discovery service.With new content sources added every week, and content updated daily, the comprehensive serials titles list includes details such as coverage dates and full-text indexing. The publishers list provides a guide to the more than 750 million records and 80 different content types from more than 7,000 publishers discoverable from the Summon service. In addition, Serials Solutions has developed a new list of key databases and packages to provide librarians with insight into the percentage of collections now full-text searchable through its service. Each of these lists will be maintained and published on a quarterly basis. Through the Summon service, Serials Solutions also enables libraries to maintain their importance in the research process by exposing their digitized special collections to researchers around the world. Users can discover content from more than 39 open access archives and 257 institutional repositories from 73 different institutions representing more than 40 million records that have been ingested into the Summon service, most with full-text indexing. By making a concentrated collection of material discoverable from a multitude of disparate sources, the Summon service enables libraries to exponentially grow their collections to include these repositories at no additional cost, thus broadening their researchers’ experience to discover even more interesting and intriguing content. Source: Serials Solutions
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Brandi Scardilli