Weekly News Digest
June 2, 2003 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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ProQuest Expands Early American Fiction Collection
ProQuest Information and Learning has expanded its database of Early American Fiction (1789-1875) by 25 years with the addition of dozens of rare early American novels and short stories. The company says the collection is the most comprehensive view of American fiction of the period and the only Web-based resource for most of the works. When complete, it will hold more than 750 full-text first editions, all fully searchable. The database formerly covered 1789-1850.The source books come from the Special Collections held in the Alderman Library of the University of Virginia. Users will find high-profile works by major authors alongside rarities by lesser-known figures, 140 authors in all when complete, providing context and historical reference points, and serving growing scholarly interest in the period. Complete, up-to-date author biographies commissioned for the database and author portraits are included. All works are 99.995% accurate full texts in high resolution preservation-quality color images. All are searchable by keyword, phrase, title, keyword, and author. Searches may be limited by gender of the author or publication details of the work. Early American Fiction (1789-1875) is available to all institutions that subscribe to Literature Online or as a stand-alone purchase. Free trials are available. Source: ProQuest Information and Learning
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Brandi Scardilli