Weekly News Digest
March 10, 2011 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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Oxford University Scientists Launch Free Collaborative Software
Oxford University scientists have launched free software that seeks to provide researchers the tools they need to collaborate more efficiently and quickly with colleagues working in different research areas. The colwiz (collective wizdom) R&D platform manages the entire research lifecycle from an initial idea, through a complex collaboration, to publication of the results. It is being launched through Isis Innovation’s Software Incubator—a new program designed to promote software start-ups from the University of Oxford.“At the moment researchers are using a dizzying array of different applications to communicate and collaborate,” said colwiz chief scientist professor David Gavaghan of Oxford University. “These might include Google Apps, Microsoft Live Services, LinkedIn, Yammer, and Social Text. But because these are separate applications they don’t do everything and don’t always talk to each other, and this slows researchers down. colwiz replaces this hotchpotch with an integrated suite of tools custom-built for fast and efficient management of the research process.” At the heart of the colwiz platform is a publication library that enables users to manage publications using both a desktop application (for Windows, Linux and Mac) and a version ‘in the cloud’ that can be accessed from anywhere over the Internet. This is combined with communications and collaboration tools for brainstorming, research tasks, and schedule management. Members of academic institutions from U.S. and U.K. universities can sign up for free and start using the colwiz platform. There are plans to extend the support to further academic institutions, government R&D organizations and commercial enterprises in the near future. Source: University of Oxford Press Office
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Brandi Scardilli