Weekly News Digest
December 19, 2011 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
CLICK HERE to view more Weekly News Digest items.
New Project MUSE Platform Goes Live Jan. 1, 2012
Project MUSE’s newly redesigned platform to include books along with its journals will go live on Jan. 1, 2012. A preview of the new platform is available on its beta site. More than 300 free sample books are accessible on the beta site through the end of 2011. At the launch of the new platform, more than 14,000 books from 66 university presses and related scholarly publishers will be available alongside MUSE’s more than 500 electronic journals.A search box on every page of the site offers users the option of searching both books and journals, or filtering by content type prior to running the search. At the search results level, users may again filter to just books or just journals. Two video tutorials for searching and browsing within the new interface are now available. Additional instructional materials will be provided shortly after the platform launch. View and share the new tutorials here: Search Books and Journals on Project MUSE Browse Books and Journals on Project MUSE At launch on Jan. 1, all of the books in MUSE's new UPCC Book Collections will be visible in search results and when browsing on the platform. Users at libraries that have purchased or subscribed to book collections on MUSE will have full-text access to content from those collections. MUSE will provide a 1-month preview period during January 2012 to allow librarians and scholars to discover the significant breadth and depth of both book and journal content available on Project MUSE. At the end of the preview period on Jan. 31, 2012, search results will default to only content to which the searcher has full-text access. At this point, users will have the option to toggle the search to show all available books and journals relevant to a search, if desired. Further highlights of the new Project MUSE platform include the following: - Faceted searching, with options to filter search results by subject area, author, and language of publication
- Enhanced browsing by subject area, title, or publisher, across books and journals or filtered by content type
- Powerful new hierarchical subject structure, allowing users to drill down to the most relevant content
- Search box on each page of the site, with predictive search terms
- New access icons to help users clearly identify content to which they have paid access, free sample content, and open access content
- Discovery and research tools at both the book and journal article level, including More by This Author and Related Content links, citation downloading/exporting, and social sharing
- "Search Inside ..." feature for both books and journals
- DOIs at title and chapter level for books, article level for journals
The Project MUSE URL remains http://muse.jhu.edu. Links to scholarly content in MUSE (journal articles and issues) will not be affected by the platform change, but libraries and users that have bookmarked informational pages within the site may need to update these bookmarks after the Jan. 1 transition. Source: Project MUSE
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli