Weekly News Digest
January 28, 2013 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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New ProQuest Congressional Service Unveiled
ProQuest unveiled its new ProQuest Congressional, which has been rebuilt with an all-new technological framework that supports richer, more in-depth exploration, and expanded use of its unique content. Acquired by ProQuest in late 2010 from LexisNexis, the one-of-a-kind service captures the breadth of governmental output, providing users with efficient, targeted access to the most comprehensive collection of historic and current congressional information available anywhere online.The congressional service has long been a staple in libraries because its broad and authoritative content can inform research on such a wide variety of topics. While the volume of content is extraordinary—complete content from congressional publications, including the first-ever full-text digital collection of all U.S. bills and resolutions from the first Congress in 1789 to the present—its new technology architecture allows it to be easily navigated, discovered and used within the context of the overall library collection. For example, the service’s popular Bill Tracking feature now expands out through links to the library’s other Congressional documents. Searching and other finding aids are both simpler and more precis, with fewer steps and more facets that zero in on exactly the right bits of data, whether it’s congressional testimony by experts and other witnesses, research carried out by staffers, or authoritative statistics. The entire congressional service includes a core product and six modules—all have been rebuilt—and subscribers are currently introducing their users to its new features, look, and feel. Source: ProQuest
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Brandi Scardilli