Weekly News Digest
July 30, 2012 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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New Home for Nature Network Blogs
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) announced the launch of SciLogs.com, a new English-language blogging network for scientists and science communicators. Nature Network bloggers will be among the first to take up their new home on the WordPress-based site.SciLogs.com is hosted by Spektrum der Wissenschaft, part of NPG. The English-language site joins the popular German-language blogging network, SciLogs.de, and Dutch (SciLogs.be), and Spanish (SciLogs.es) sites, which together have more than 100 active bloggers. “SciLogs combine the strengths of both science culture and the blogging medium,” said Carsten Könneker, editor-in-chief, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, and founder of SciLogs.de. “They provide scientists and lay people with the opportunity to interact in interdisciplinary discussions about science in all its facets: research, applications, ethics, values, politics and so on.” Richard Zinken, who as publishing director of Spektrum der Wissenschaft is responsible for SciLogs, adds, “Our partnership with nature.com is an important step towards creating an international network of high quality scientific blogging.” More than 25 Nature Network blogs are making a new home on SciLogs.com. They have transferred their full archive with them, so that previous conversations are preserved for posterity. Redirects are in place so that links and search indexing continues to work seamlessly. SciLogs.de, which has been hosting blogs since October 2007, currently has about 350,000 page views per month. Blogs are written by active scientists and science communicators and include researchers at the Universities of Heidelberg, Bremen, and the Max Planck Institute. Spektrum der Wissenschaft is an international edition of Scientific American, which became part of NPG in 2009. Launched in July 2011, the Scientific American Blog Network brings together 15 blogs by Scientific American staff with 38 blogs from more than 40 independent bloggers. Blogs written by Nature-branded journal editors and other NPG staff are now hosted at http://blogs.nature.com/. Source: Nature Publishing Group
Send correspondence concerning the Weekly News Digest to NewsBreaks Editor
Brandi Scardilli