Weekly News Digest
July 31, 2000 — In addition to this week's NewsBreaks article and the monthly NewsLink Spotlight, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) offers Weekly News Digests that feature recent product news and company announcements. Watch for additional coverage to appear in the next print issue of Information Today.
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NRC Advisory Committee Reports on 'A Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress'
A special committee of the National Research Council (NRC) has finished a report that contains recommendations for an information technology strategy for the Library of Congress (LC). The report, sponsored by LC, notes that the library must act quickly to address strategy, management, funding, and staffing issues that threaten to render the institution second-rate among today's digital libraries.The library must continue not only to handle artifacts in traditional media—such as the printed book, which will play a dominant role in archiving information for decades to come—but also to collect and preserve electronic books, newspaper Web sites, digital music, and other forms of electronic information. So far, the library has engaged in ad hoc experiments and pilot projects, but has not developed a broad strategy or the necessary capability to accomplish this tremendous task. The report also recommends increased funding for staff training, upgrading the technology infrastructure, and increased outreach activities. The library must take the lead and work with electronic publishers and the R&D community to resolve legal, economic, and technical questions that relate to digital works. Further, the library should establish contractual arrangements with a set of publishers and distributors of significant digital content. Copies of the full report will be available in the fall from the National Academy Press (202/334-3313, 800/624-6242). Source: National Research Council
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Brandi Scardilli